I sat down for the first meditation at ten, a wee bit annoyed that I'd slept in, and grumpy. Got up just before twelve. I'm in half lotus these days and you can really last like that, but I hardly noticed the sore legs because they weren't really sore. Hmmm. Then I stood on my head and did a tai chi set, then I went back and meditated again. I had lunch. I lay on bed after that with the news programmes on and did the flat out bliss. Got up and meditated till the back of three when I went out to meet the consiglieri. Started meditating again about quarter to six and finished that one at the back of seven. Then I did the physical jerks, had a bath, and spoke to the Domestic Bliss. She asked about this on the wall...
" For only he who passes this way can understand it, and even he cannot describe it." It's by St John of the Cross.
"What can he not describe?" quoth she.
" He cannot describe the bliss to flatheids," said I. We have very lofty conversations in this flat.so we do.
I did not have time today to write my book. I did not finish the wee twenty pee Independent. Great bliss though, whatever that's worth. But more or less a perfect day. I'm going to open a bottle of plonko collapso now that it's ten to eleven, and the footie will be on soon. I may be back if I can think of something interesting to say. Or if I get steaming.