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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Comfort Zone!

Wednesday 10:50 p.m.
                                  Although I cannot as yet, and never will be able to, properly adjust to the different parameters of the clickiness therein, I am very happy to be on a new bloggy, especially since I have finally fixed the comment thing.
                                  I think you don't have to do the <BR> thing on this bloggy. You may be able to write like it was a page of word processing and that is bound to be good. I might even eventually try to write something interesting that I could be bothered re-writing. Anyway, I hope not to do much blogging about the bliss and the vajrayana, and all of that. I will not be indiscreet about my personal habits and I will use the real names for my wonderful writings and whatnot. A refreshingly new beginning for me then. I hope the two or three folk who followed the other bloggies are not discomforted by this.
                                  What do you think, Jack? Well, it's not as good, Hotboy. It was better when you didn't care, when you were less measured, but me and the other spam robots will just wait and see then.
                                   I'm very happy to be back in the work routine now that it is Wednesday and I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I did not have a good summer holiday.
                                   Tomorrow I will meditate for most of the day, and do about two hours of writing, and that will all be wonderful.
                                    On Sunday the consiglieri and I, and possibly Brian Wilson, will go to see Cargo Publishing put on a show at the tent in the book festival. They have a show on Saturday, but it costs ten quid and I don't have hardly any money at this time of the month.
                                    Wells Fargo Publishing are supposed to be doing The Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf next year, but who knows about that? I assume they will. If they do, I'll start appearing in public as a writer, which I have totally resisted doing before because I'm thrawn, and don't understand that performance bit about writing. But I'm old now and it would be interesting. <BR>
                                     Ancient Futures has been downloaded twice from Kindle and the Amazon thing. I think my end of that is 35%, but the consiglieri is on 15% of that, so I think I might have made about forty pence on the whole deal. With the tax, insurance, and holiday entitlements, and postage deducted that probably comes down to about twenty pence. That's the total sum of money made from the wonderful writings in the last seventeen years.
                                      I'm going to be rich, Jack! Rich, I tell you! Riches beyond your wildest dreams!
                                      The photies were taken up the allotment this evening about meditating time, around eight or so. The gladioli have come out. Hurrah! There's always something arising, abiding and declining!


Marie Rex said...

The pictures are wonderful. I adore gladioli.

I don't think you need the HTML break at all. It seems to do it on its own.

A new beginning can be a good thing. Glad things are settling to normal for you. It has been a bad summer all over.

Though the sun is out here today, I'm hoping for some kayak time.

Well done on the book sale. I've sold a total of 1 and it is 33 cents US. Which won't even cover the postage.

The best thing about being in samsara is that it is impermanent. Always changing, something growing, something dying.

Change is good because you can count on it.

Hotboy said...

Marie! Looks nice and sunny outside just now. I'll think I'll up to the hut to meditate this morning. Hope the sun stays out where you are! Hotboy

rob said...

But you don't say what will be this blog's stance towards flatheids, unfortunates ones and the like.

35 pence every few days for doing nothing! That's a decent pension. Your ship's coming in.

Hotboy said...

Albert? We are each the author's of our own misfortune. If folk can't meditate or won't, that's fine with me. May all the unfortunate ones, and the too dumb to meditate ... be happy. Of course, they won't be, but that's their business not mine. Hotboy. p.s. Unfortunately, I suspect that the twenty pence I might have made on the kindle book already might just be it!!

Anonymous said...

I say!

You forgot to deduct tax on your new earnings. If you like, I can contact the Inland Revenue for an estimate.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I think by the time they pay for the postage, I'll be back in the red! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I once had to pay an accountant £25 to write a letter to the Inland Revenue about 3 pence interest which had accrued in a long-forgotten bank account which still had a tenner in it.

You wouldn't want that sort of thing to happen, I'm sure, so if you let me know your NI number, I'll pass it on to the IR for you.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! When I used to make money from the wonderful writings, I had an accountant who ensured that I never paid a penny in tax. Outgoings match incomings. The only folk who pay income tax are the poor basturns on PAYE, folk like school librarians, nurses and other poor people. Hotboy

rob said...

Your best hope is that the IR are still just monitoring the old blog. Always a good idea to keep up a decoy.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Just send the cheque to me instead of the tax people. They wouldn't appreciate it as much. I got interviewed for a job as a tax inspector once. They hated me because I was a proletarian with long hair. Basturns they were!! Hotboy

rob said...

You can't blame them for that.

Hotboy said...

Albert? They asked me what I thought of the ninety percent income tax rate and what I thought of the fireman's strike ... the interview was in Lauriston Place and the firemen were down below. I blame them for everything, the swine. I could have become a nice tax inspector and spent my life harassing the evil bourgeois!! Hotboy

rob said...

Getting paid to wage the class struggle. What a gig that would have been!

At my Civil Service job interview around the same time, they asked what I read in my spare time and I said The New Statesman. I failed.

Anonymous said...

I say!

Am I the only one who passed a Civil Service interview?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! By the left ... def, dight, def, dight, def, dight!!! I'm surprised they never snapped up Albert though. They must have omitted to check you psychiatric history then. Hotboy

rob said...

Mingers. The Foreign Office?