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Wednesday, 25 August 2010


Wednesday 6:11 p.m.
                                 The castle photie was taken from the bus stop this morning. No more work till Monday. Hurrah! You can see that there's a lot more dishes to wash when four people live here than when it was only moi and the Domestic Bliss. <BR>
                                 You see a lot of interesting things in the Fringe of course. I took the top photie of this guy demonstrating tough love first aid near the gate of the Gallery of Modern Art.


rob said...

If that's the new jacket I'm glad I never saw the old one. Good photies otherwise.

Marie Rex said...

You have to keep on top of dishes, they breed when you aren't looking.

You are braver than I to wander the Fringe.

Hotboy said...

Albert? It's the kind of jacket your mum would buy you when you were getting out of the mental hospital.
Marie! You don't like crowds, do you? I love them, at least the kind you get around here at this time of year!Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

That chap in the top snap is certainly an ugly brute. Oh! Is it you?

Doviko would make short work of those dishes.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! No, it certainly is not me!! He's smoking some nefarious weed for one thing, and I, of course, am far more handsome! Hotboy p.s Also, I cannot take photies of myself, not with a phone photie thing!

rob said...

At least the pose is marginally more normal than all the headstands.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Just because you can't stand on your head .... Hotboy

rob said...

Quite true Hotters. I can't put my Willie in a blender either. Why would anyone want to?

Hotboy said...

Albert? I don't know why anyone would want to put their willie in a blender. You'd better ask someone else. Hotboy