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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Empty flat!

Tuesday 8:55 p.m.
                             The flat is empty till Saturday. How wonderful!
                              I noted today that I find the world more beautiful these days. Much more so than, say, ten years ago. I don't know why this is really. It might have been getting better spectacles.
                              The meditations around this time of night, about nine, are the best of meditations, for me anyway. Usually, there's folk around and you have to try to keep some kind of socialisation going, but when they've all gone away for a while ...
                              I had a good look at the reply I got from Teresa to the email I sent her about my practise. I've just got to watch out and not take any risks. I'd rather be a powder keg than a damp squib.
                              Hotboy, that is your false sense of self talking! I know that, Jack. You can spot it sometimes. I think I'll just have to stick with gaining enlightenment for all sentient beings even although there are no sentient beings. Anyway, I'm back to heading into the bliss. I had a problem with someone recently and bad thoughts, and nasty thoughts, and evil thoughts were arising, but last night the bliss just blew them away, and the solution appeared. It wasn't a thing, but a feeling.
                              I'll go back to the lobby.


Marie Rex said...

Enjoy your empty flat. I'm back home after 10 days in the states.

I'm glad for the rain and my cats and my messy kitchen.

Terrifying to be surrounded by so many people and cars. People that choose to live behind locked gates and stone walls.

I guess if there is enough noise around you, there is no need to think or care.

Hotboy said...

Marie! You sound as if you've had enough!! Safe journey back anyway! Hotboy

rob said...

I can find nothing to disagree with in this post. If you continue this progress, you might manage without a hut manager.