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Thursday, 14 October 2010

Posted whilst Pissed!

Thursday 23:41 p.m.

I always inspired by you, your views and way of thinking, again, thanks for this nice post.

- Joe 

Well, Joe, it was nice to hear from you, but you arrived in my yahoo email thingy and when I clickied the link to the blog post you left this comment on, there was no comment. A ghost in the machine? How did you get there?

I think if you are inspired by moi, and my ways of thinking, you are really a completely funged up, stupid basturn! But, since you managed to to get to my email address without leaving a trace on the blog you were supposed to leave a comment on, well, you might be one of the spam robots on the Five Point Plan to Get Out of Your Face on Air. And I did apppreciate the "Joe"! Also, I think by the little mistake in the English that you might be Indian. I certainly hope you are! The Great Vajrayana, the Juju of Jujus, comes from India. I want to go on holiday to India as soon as I have any money. Apart from the lepers, and the starving children, and all that, India is cool!
                      Of course, you may be Albert. If you are Albert, I hope you die of something horrible and not slowly either. Albert, you should not be funging around with this super clickiness just to show us all how smart you are because you do not meditate and are, therefore, never going to be happy. And it is not smart. It's part of the disease you have from being brought up among the evil, evil bourgeois with all the spankings and debasements, the def dight, def dight of the marching up and down, and that was not my fault, so why take it out on me, just a simple joe, a mere orphan from the underclass who was lucky enough to get an education when it was free, when we, the proletariat, just that one time, got something back?
                       I had to interrupt my meditations on the wonderful Thursday to go and watch documentaries about poverty at the Film House. I did this because one of them was done by the Domestic Bliss's very talented brother. His film was about Oxgangs and Granton, and I really wanted, after watching it, to join the Provisional IRA, the Baader-Meinhoff Gang, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Everyone, and all of that.  
Instead I had to wait and not do the bliss, and wait, and wait among the flatheids who were talking about their purchasing power as if the poor basturns in the documentaries .... some of them are Christians. Christ sent all the rich basturns to hell. Thank God for that!!
                    It's okay if you are from the evil bourgeois, toffy nosed, privately educated morons and then you watch films about poor people. Poor people are just another species to you. You don't know. You've never seen them. You've just had to keep marching up and down, def dight, def dight, and waited for the trust funds to filter down. Well, you are all going to hell! You fung deserve it as well! Hell is too good for you. You should have hot hells, and cold hells, and occasional hells. 
                    There is something about the middle classes. I've always in my heart despised them. I have always felt superior to them. I have always hated them. They are the problem. Stupid basturns!


rob said...

Hotters. Us cultivated folk are much too busy, managing portfolios, to waste our time on pointless pranks unless there's money involved. If you'd like this blog to benefit from a makeover on 1 April, you'll need to submit your business plan.

PS I notice there's a video panel at top right. Was that "Joe" or have you got another hut manager?

PPS Reading between the lines I think you're saying India offers a host of castes to look down on. I suppose that might appeal if you're limited to the standard Jocko options for disdain. Albert, if you're reading this could you blog about what the Aussies do when they want conflict?

rob said...

FYI this post is in a different font, at least by the time it arrives at this end. Looks like Times Roman. What's the story? Perhaps you're trying to attract literate cyberbabes now that I can't supply them any more. Fair enough. I'm past it thank goodness.

Marie Rex said...

As long as we can look at other people in an 'us/them' state of mind we can't learn compassion.

Learning to accept that we all want the same thing, to be happy, is the key to dealing with everyone. Including ourselves.

When you put anyone into a category that holds them as separate and poke at them. You live on the same level as they are on. Which makes you no better.

At least the spam robots read your blog.

Hotboy said...

Albert? and Marie! I was bit pissed when I wrote that blog last night. I was checking it for deletion this morning, but since there are comments on it, I'll leave it. Hotboy p.s. I never watch anything on the telly that's the slightest bit upsetting. I think I'm getting more sensitive to that kind of stuff. Anyway, the poor are just about to get a lot poorer in this country and I hope folk start taking pot shots at the lying basturns in government pretty soon. Anyway, it ruined my wonderful Thursday!!!

Hotboy said...

Albert? I clickied on the thing for video panels when I set up the blog. I don't know what it's for. I thought I might be able to put videos on it if someone gave me a better phone sometime. Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Albert? I don't know why the font changed either. Well, I'd drank a bottle of collapso before getting into the biliousness. BTW sorry for picking on you, but if you're going to look like a urinal .... no excuse really!!!

rob said...

Hotters. Is it really necessary to bring toilets into everything? Dearie me.

Anonymous said...

I say!

I know exactly what you mean about getting upset over TV programmes.

I can't watch Dysney films anymore - there's always a sad bit before the happy ending. I cry every time.