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Saturday, 20 November 2010

Crap time!

Sunday 12:15 a.m.
                            Four bottles of bought from the shop beer later, a mere bagatelle! Bad week. If I can tackle the Nicotine Dragon every bloody month, I should be able to give up this ... this looking out from the ... this looking out for some kind of sustenance. Sometimes I wish these computery things had never been invented. I tried to write something tonight for the first time in a while and how long did it seem to take? Ages! Poor concentration!
                            Clicky clicky on the computery thing; flicky flicky across the far too numerous telly channels. Communication longing with folk with the long thumbs, even bigger suckers than myself!
                             Meditated for only four hours today. Did a totally exhausting training session too early. This is not ra bliss!! Waiting for more self satisfaction and that's got to be a bummer all the way down the line. 
                             But it will be better tomorrow. I think I'll be able to change or improve my wicked ways once I've paid back my main debt to the Domestic Bliss which is six months down the line. I'd like to buy a halogen lamp then and stop buying soapbar, and grow some decent weed. Hmmm? That might not be such a good idea after all!!!


rob said...

Weegies I knew had a whole plantation under the floorboards. Hot-wired the electric meter to run all the lighting on stolen electricity. Of course they had to smoke it all themselves, just to deal with the paranoia about getting caught. It all balances out.

Anonymous said...

I say!

Have you considered getting a tantalus (a lockable container for wine bottles, which leaves the drink visible but unobtainable)?


Hotboy said...

Albert and Mingin'! I got up late this lunchtime, so you beat me to it. I was going to delete this post too!!
Anyway, I'm going to give up everything soon, so I am. The last thing I need is weed and drink!! Hotboy p.s. Mingin'! This is a civilised place. If you locked up your wine here, you could just walk out to the off-license!