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Friday, 3 December 2010

Bliss update!

Friday 9:20 p.m.
                         What with it being the start of the month, the snowing, but mainly because there is no soapbar, I've been drinking far too much! Every night  I think I should be like Milarepa and stay meditating, but every night I've been going to the off-license instead. I had been drinking the plonko collapso, but I'm really a beer drinker at heart.
                           I got four tonight. Just poured the first one. Peckham's have stopped stocking the Erdinger I like. This one is called Schneider Weisse Tap 6. It weighs in at a very impressive alc. 8.2 % vol and costs an atrocious £2.79. I bought two of those and two Grolsch Wheatbeer which costs £2.45 and weighs in at a less impressive alc 5.3% vol.
                          After four of these I know I will waken up slightly muggy, but more or less intact. It's worth it to buy the dear stuff. Anyway, this post was supposed to be about ra bliss and not about ra piss!
                           I couldn't go to see the Auld Maw today because the snow has stopped the trains. I started meditating  just after ten. This is late and because of the beer dose from last night. Anyway, I could tell right away that the bus had moved on considerably. I put in a lot of meditating yesterday before I hit the beer and it showed alright. Also, I wasn't at work on Monday or Tuesday, and only did the half day on Wednesday, so I've been hammering the meditations all week really, maybe doing about six hours a day.
                            This is not enough, Jack! I know, Hotboy. You should be doing eight hours a day if you're not writing and not going to the jobbie! Oh well!
                            Anyway, this morning was just fabulous. Tons of bliss, some heat, things opening and whatnot. But it's ridiculous that I'm drinking. I'm acting as if I'm going to live forever, or have no faith in this juju; just idling along with the pollutions and all. The thing is I don't have any faith in anything. The Dalai Lama says he's not a buddha, so what bloody chance have I got?
                            There's a boy on a video I stuck on facebook who says you have to endure the hardship, and I'm afraid I'm just a wimp when it comes to that. Doing six hours a day is quite easy and enjoyable. I don't know if it would be enjoyable to be walled up, never sleeping, sitting with a butter lamp on your head ...
                             Of course, it would be wonderful, Hotboy!! Remember the bliss! Remember the visualisations you might achieve! When you were tired and sore, it might be horrible, of course, but it would be worth it. So it would. You just have to get your head into that determined space maybe.
                             Alexandra David-Neel said she loved it when the snows came and the passes were blocked and she could sit in her hut meditating until the spring. I think she did a twelve year stint with her guru who was in a hut a bit further up the slope.
                              It's got to help if you don't believe in the thoughts you're having. Thoughts like, I don't like this. Or, I'd like to go for a beer. Or, this would be much easier if I was a sadhu and could smoke a chillum, and not one filled with fung soapbar either!
                              Anyway, I did the hundred prostrations around four and then did the six three minute rounds of shadow boxing in the full Beer Monster Reduction Vehicle, so I might be a bit dehydrated. Whoa! But it is strong beer. Hmmm? I'll go for another one now.
                              I have to apologise to folk who read anything I write at any time after nine o clock at night. It isn't me, is it, Jack!? No, Hotboy, it's the booze! Be nice to change addictions soon and get into the soapbar. I've a feeling there's a drought coming up. Three weeks since I smoked anything though. Lungs like a great tree, so I have, Jack! Fung sake! That was just one beer. Three more to go! Hurrah!


rob said...

I was just thinking to myself that it's time we had a piss update. 8.2% is a bargain, one of them would last me several weeks. You're right about paying for quality. There are some cheap beers, and don't get me started about ciders, that'll give you a headache after one glass.

If it's any help, we all sometimes act as if we're going to live forever. This time of year here, with the semi-clothed hotties wherever one looks, is bad for deluded thinking. Subconsciously I believe the best liaisons are yet to come, one day when I grow up.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Your comments all go to spam now! Dearie me! Brian Wilson puts the most awful beers down his neck! You wouldn't believe it. Tennent's lager! Anyway, I know all my best liaison are yet to come! They have to be!!! Hotboy

rob said...

In my day, Tennents in pubs was a nice drop, but maybe they didn't spit in it back then. Also, I had yet to discover weissbier and freedom ale.

rob said...

PS if only you had someone to set up your spam settings properly. Can't you get the council to do it for you?

Hotboy said...

Albert? Only you know what a spam setting is!! Anyway, it's suddenly putting your comments into the spam folder for no reason that I know of! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Hotters. It's victimization. Only my comments? What about anonymous comments like this one?

Albert Hutmanager (retired)

Hotboy said...

Albert? So it was you! I knew it! Get yourself a life! Funging around with my spam settings ... dearie me! God, I'm so not as gross as that! Subtle here! Hotboy

rob said...

Hotters, what are you on about? I knew about the religious delusions already, but now NPD and paranoia too? It's all that cheap plonk. The sooner you get back on the pure Erdinger the better. Even if I could remember your login details, I can't be bothered doing anything resembling work.