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Wednesday, 12 January 2011

More like moi!

Wednesday 11:15 p.m.
                                   I took Mary Queen of Scots advice and went out and bought four bottles of beer instead of pretending to be someone else. I'll do that once I get down to the Samye, and maybe afterwards. You should feel rich when you give things up, and not think it's been imposed.
                                   They had Erdinger in Peckhams! Also, I got to speak to the lovely Polish lady who works there. I would ask her to marry me once the Domestic Bliss falls under a bus, but I'm afraid that she might not be able to support me in the style to which I have become accustomed. Soup and breid and standing on your heid! If it wasn't for the drink and drugs ...
                                    I think she knows about ra bliss, Hotboy! Do you, Jack? Yes! She knows about ra bliss. Subtley. At least, she knows you are a pissheid less ordinary, and being a Pole, they expect all men to be pissheids. No vodka. Just nice expensive beers, please. We have a karmic connection.
                                   I went walking with Poisonous down by the way under the Telford Bridge and she was sitting on her ownio on a bench one day. She smiled as we passed and said hullo to me. The Poisonous  asked about this and I said that I did not know her, but she obviously dug the care in the community clothes I was wearing.
                                   Some folk like poets and hopeless folk, so they do!


rob said...

Don't be negative - with her Peckams job, she could keep you in Erdinger for life.

BTW, does the ecstatic effect of Erdinger continue to increase after the second bottle? I've never boldly gone that far into uncharted territory.

Marie Rex said...

You are suppose to say "Yes Your Majesty" to the queen you know.

I'm glad you are accepting who you are. But I think your Domestic Bliss needs to whack you more often with a broom. (for wishing her under a bus)

I actually got a bottle of Erdinger the last time I was in Inverness, for my husband. He thought it was ok, but tends to like the darker beers. Me, I think it is ghastly stuff. But then coffee is my drug of choice.

It is easier to accept yourself as you are and make the best of it. Besides most of the standards we tend to think we need to hold to, are someone other person's idea anyway.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I usually drink four bottles, but one should only drink three. Someone as emaciated as you should only drink milk. Two bottles of Erdinger would be far too liberating anyway! Hotboy
Marie! I wasn't wishing her to fall under a bus, but if she did ... With Erdinger the telly is bearable and so is my guitar playing! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I hope that Domestic Bliss reads Marie Rex's comment and gets her broom out. The problem would then be if you overly enjoyed it.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I can't help it if I'm an object of desire! It's moi what needs the broom, not the DB. If it's not her, it's the dentist's assistant or the school teachers! Life was much safer when women got the vapours!! Hotboy