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Friday, 18 February 2011

Apres Samye

Friday 8:00 a.m.
                        I was so exhausted when I got home yesterday. It's always the same. You'd think sitting around all day for a week would give you a bit of a rest, but I always come home knackered. So I did a bit of self medication and watched two episodes of Episodes, which is very good and brilliantly acted. No drinking though.
                        I expect to get a sweetie now from the lama the day I leave the Samye Ling. I started calling it that as a joke when I noticed that the meditation I have on the morning I leave is always stunning. I'm not sure if it's a joke anymore. Don't know what that says about my state of mind. Anyway, I sat down by the river for an hour or so before I left and .... the bliss, the bliss, the bliss!
                        I might be when I stop trying. But it isn't.
                        Then I'm in Lockerbie staying waiting for an hour and I'm feeling completely exhausted.
                        I saw a Kindle on the train. I've never seen one before. The woman across the aisle was reading a book on one. I wondered if you could download books straight onto it while sitting on the train. I didn't know. Maybe you have to upload it through the computery thing. I thought it would be a laugh if I offered the woman a pound to download my book. She would have made fourteen pence since it only costs eighty six pence to buy.
                        I don't know if it's sold any more than two copies. I don't know how to get into Amazon and find out since it was uploaded at the consiglieri's and I don't know .... anything about it really. I'll have to visit him and see how you do that. I'm going to have to read it myself. I haven't read it for years and years and I'm sure it's bloody awful. Anyway, here's the link if you've got eighty six pence to spare. I wouldn't have put a link on this before. Hmmm? That something changing over the last week ....


MM III said...

I say!

I've seen this happen before. As soon as some people reach 60 they give up with the technology and can't work anything anymore. When I get as old as that I'm sure that my brain, kept ship-shape through the intellectual and physical pursuits of watching and playing cricket will remain as razor sharp as it's ever been.

Now, if only Doviko could find the zapper, I'd be able to catch up with the scores.


MM III said...

I say!

This probably has you baffled as well.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I saw another Kindle on the train today!! That's one after the other for train trips!! I think I'll get a card printed with the url and get a big bag full of pound coins! Hotboy

albert said...

I thought all that blissage was supposed to cure the desire for fame? Ask for your money back.

albert said...

Mingers, good vid. The guy's presumably a Wilson rellie.

He should use a more strongly coloured liquid though. On the iPod you can't see it.

Marie Rex said...

Welcome back to the world.

My daughter has one of the Kindle gadgets and some can down load wireless if they have a connection. Not too likely on the train.

Hotboy said...

Albert? It hasn't cured me of the desire to make some money! Hotboy
Marie! Nobody knows or cares less about computery things than me!! Hotboy