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Monday, 21 February 2011


            I asked about when I could retire today. They said any time. This is wonderful since it means that all this jobbiness can end. But I wish I had been paying more attention since I don't have any money to do me till I get the state pension when I'm sixty five. I must put my mind to making money and come up with some money making schemes. Like betting on horses. I need to find a way to make just sitting there pay!!


MM III said...

I say!

Humbie in the 14.10 at Wetherby tomorrow.


rob said...

Making money from sitting around: you might qualify for a sex change operation on the national health, on compassionate grounds. Move to the Reeperbahn and sit in a window in your undies. Specialise in punters who do it with the lights off.

PS 10% off the top.

rob said...

How much money does it take to live anyway, if you grow your own food, and make bread and beer? A couple of hours buskng as a blissheid on Princes Street could finance your other needs.

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! A wummin gave me £20 this morning for my birthday! Odd, but I could bet with that. Never get to a bookies of course! Hotboy
Albert? I reckon I could get by on 700 a month. Won't have anything like that though. Bugger! Hotboy

MM III said...

I say!

Humbie was second. He's now off to the glue factory.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Once you get into an winning streak, I'll invest my twenty quid! Hotboy

albert said...

Hotters, a back-of-envelope calculation shows I get by on about 500-600 of your pounds a month (no rent or water heating bills of course). You're living a champagne lifestyle!

Anonymous said...

If you live the Presbyterian lifestyle you could live on half that!

Then again you would become one of those people who start to eat their own face from constant curmudgeon towards the universe..

The angry scottish type who considers lard a luxury.

Hotboy said...

Anony and Albert? I give 300 spots to the domestic bliss. I give 100 spots to the pizza man. I give 100 spots to my credit card debt. The dentist takes a slice. The overdraft bill takes a slice. That's it. One night on the binge and I'm broke! Hotboy p.s. I have to eat as well!

MM III said...

I say!

There's an excellent Dutch dentist at Domasi who doesn't charge a fortune.


albert said...

Declare bankruptcy, like the toffs do.