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Monday, 21 March 2011

Good Day Monday!

Monday 8:00 p.m.
                            I was really cheered up today reading about self publishing on Kindle and such like. There was this boy refusing to accept a publishing deal because he could make more doing it himself. He also said that twenty seven out of the top hundred on the New York Times bestseller list were self published, which I found a bit amazing. The boy also said you'd sell more the more books you had self published and I've got ten, including the two I have had published by regular publishers.
                            And it looks as if regular publishers are just about to disappear. And I suppose with them agents with disappear, and I would not weep if either of these things were to happen.
                             I started off writing with the desire to write different kinds of books. Like, I wanted to write a cowboy book, a travel book, and so on. Publishers seemed to want you to write the same kind of book over and over again. Anyway, as I was reading this stuff today, which was a dialogue between two authors who were making pots from self publishing, I felt as if everything was going to be alright. I might well make some money from this if I just put my head down and do the clicky stuff. No point in hating it and turning my back. I can't afford to do that since I don't have any money.
                             The first thing the consigliere and I have decided to do is get the two books I have had published scanned. I haven't got a scanner and neither has anyone else I know, but I'll buy one if it comes to that. Also, he thinks we should put the kidbooks on Kindle first of all while we're waiting for the scanning. I wouldn't mind just sticking everything we've got in digital form on Kindle and putting on the nice covers and whatnot as time goes by.
                              But I felt most encouraged by that today!!
                              I guess there won't be hardly any paper books in ten years time, Jack. Well, Hotboy, that's progress for you!! Digital books won't go out of print.
                              I took the photies coming home from the diggings last night. You can see what they did to our walls. They got plastered today. If you've read the previous post, you'll know that I got plastered last night. Today I thought I just might not have to go to the jobbie for another five years. That would be wonderful!! I won't have an excuse for getting pissed on Sunday nights then. Hurrah!!



rob said...

Mayb there's a scanner where you work?

Hotboy said...

Albert? It only scans photies! Mac