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Sunday, 26 June 2011

The Pension!

Sunday 11:30 a.m.
                            I opened the envelope with the stuff about my pension in it this morning. Inhale, exhale. Hurrah! For the rest of my life I will be able to pay my bills and still lie in bed all day if I like. This is an amazing situation to be in. I don't know quite how I managed to get into this situation, but I must have been inadvertently been doing something right.
                            When I didn't die by the time I hit fifty two, which I had told myself for years and years was my life expectancy due to my old man dying at that age, I thought I should look at the rest of my life as a total bonus. So I took refuge and started meditating a lot more than I had been. Then I went part time a couple of years later and started meditating even more. Now that I don't have to work at all I'll be able to meditate even more.
                              And that's what I'm going to do, Jack. Meditate my socks off till I get this tummo juju to work properly. And I'm not going to drink and I'm not going to smoke, not for ages, ages anyway. Of course, I'll have to spend a good bit of the week in Newmains, but that will be good for me. Being with someone who is enduring flatheidedness in their nineties will be a great incentive to practice. Because that aint going to be me, Jack! Not if it just means not drinking or smoking for a couple of years whilst doing the bliss and heat.
                               I'm in the gravy, Jack! I'm in the gravy! Oh, what a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!!!

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