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Saturday, 2 July 2011

Back Home!

Saturday 11:30 p.m.
                               Must say house sitting with the mother in law was a bit more challenging than I had anticipated. Still, I hope it gets easier as I get a bit more experienced and just used to being in that house. The meditation regime I was hoping to maintain went right out the window as well. And I couldn't train. On Thursday seven people came separately to the house before three o clock in the afternoon. On Friday I tried to bus from Newmains to Bellshill and I spent forty minutes waiting for the first bus. By last night I was wound up and knackered. Completely lost my mojo, so I did.
                              Wonderful to see the sign saying welcome back to Edinburgh. Great to be back home. Still waiting on the lump sum from the rest and be thankful pension fund. I did get a letter today from the work though. It said I owed them £39 for some reason; something to do with holidays or something.
                               So I'm  almost broke and the Domestic Bliss is off to Newmains to stay overnight tomorrow like she did on Friday. There's going to be some hard pounding ahead. Just as well that the mother in law is a total sweetie!!


NaNoSkye said...

I suspect for a while that things are going to be out of sync. Just roll with the flow and do the best you can.

Good luck

Hotboy said...

Marie! I'll do better next time, but it is a beautiful morning here right now, so what's to complain about? Have a nice day! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I thought that the whole purpose of getting a pension was that the work paid you, and not the other way around. Are you sure you signed the right document?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! They're just trying to get at my equanimity! Hotboy

rob said...

I can't understand why you retired, only to end up doing more stuff than you ever did at ra jobbie. Working more for no money! Makes me glad I'm going back to my jobbie, where I work slightly hard but it feels like not working at all, and they even pay me. It all balances up.

To paraphrase Nanners, I'm going with the cash flow. But this blog is not about me. Reading between the lines, I think you're saying the meeting with Albert was a good influence on you. I heard he gave you a belt, I suppose it's the bourgeois burden to have to knock sense into the proletariat.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I could have done with a pair of trousers to go with the belt!! It might seem harder the way we deal with the oldies, but we're all going to heaven and the evil bourgeois aren't, so that will even it up. Anyway, if just got to adjust. Hotboy

rob said...

Hotters. One tries not to embarrass pensioned proletarians by implying they can't buy their own trousers. Just ask the DB what size you take.

Anonymous said...

I say!

Steady on, old bean. Someone with your delicate disposition shouldn't be doing all these things. Answering the door seven times in one day! You must be axhausted.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! The responsibilities of care!! Stress and strain!! Hotboy