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Monday, 15 August 2011

In the War Against the Machines Part 9.

Monday 7:10 p.m.
                            The mother in law bought me a machine for recording voices. The Domestic Bliss bought me a machine called a Netbook so I can go to Newmains and harass folk who don't know about my wonderful writings on Kindle. Brian Wilson said we should have a netbook and then when she went to buy it, he said that nobody buys them anymore.
                             Hmmm? I might unwrap the device for recording voices and see if there is an instruction manual in there. From the box it appears that the recording device can sing in Urdu and perform sex acts you've never even heard of, but I suspect that this is the phonus balonus, and all it will ever do is go beep beep.
                              Started the day by visiting the gorgeous African girl in the bank. I want to open ... and I made her laugh. I should go to Africa before I get too old. It occurred to me this morning when I wakened up that the schools might be starting up today, and how happy that made me feel! Not with me they aren't! I so just love being a retired joe! Also, the beautiful African girls all left school last year, so if I had gone back they would not have been there anyway. Vimbai. Ongani. Wezi.
                              Instead I went out to do the Festival with the kiddo. This is the first time I've been out with the kiddo and had any money ever since she was born. But I couldn't spend it on her. The show we might have gone to wasn't on today because it is a Monday (what?). So we sat in the Traverse Bar and there was no one else there and I told her things about her family she didn't know about, like how one of them threatened to kill me, and how the rest of them were evil bourgeois basturns, etc.
                              So to hell with the Festival. I was going to stay in this evening, but I got a call from The Poisonous, and he's about to be swamped by thirteen year old girls, friends of his kiddo, and wants to go out drinking. There was a time when the drinking was peripheral because we knew people and could take some decent drugs. Oh well. Once more into the breach, dear friends!


rob said...

I wish you'd had the recorder switched on while you were telling her about your kinfolk threatening to kill you, and how the rest of them were evil bourgeois. It would have made an interesting podcast, if you could persuade Brian to upload it. At least bourgeois families only try to kill you slowly.

PS He was correct about netbooks being a good idea and then later a bad idea. The times they are a changing. These days Albert does everything with just an iPhone, but that'll change too.

Hotboy said...

Albert? What did you do with all the gadgets that weren't the Iphone? Did you shoot them as well? Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I have it on excellent authority that Brian Wilson's advice on netbooks was given three years ago.


rob said...

Hotters. If my family was trying to kill me I would stay in Edinburgh too. Not even a psycho case from the West could stand visiting Auld Reekie. You're safe there. PS it's all making sense now, the shadow boxing, and keeping your name off the front door. PPS I apologize on behalf of the bourgeoisie for making the guy homicidal. PPPS if he's still alive and reading this, I'd like to say I'm just a hacker who's hijacked Albert's blog to impersonate him.

Anonymous said...

I say!

If you hammer on the door, they may take you back at work. This may be your last chance.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I'd rather die than have another jobbie! Hotboy

onan the bavarian said...

Hotters. I think you mean you'd rather die than take a PAID jobbie. Good for you! With all your volunteer work, you've really taken to heart David Cameron's Big Society. PS if it's an OBE you're after, you may have left it a bit late.