1:42 a.m.
The consiglieri knew the boy in the band because he was fixing his roof. The boy is playing a twelve string electric guitar. I do not remember seeing one of them before. They were very good, in a very small venue, and it made me think about performance, and how great it was that they played so excellently in front of so few folk, but I think and assume because they like playing. Such a nice night! The consiglieri isn't mad, and not an alcoholic, and I should spend more time with joes like him.
Glad you had a good evening with someone sensible.
Should is such an interesting guilt ridden word. I have replaced it with 'I could if I wanted' much better.
Marie! Started to rain as soon as I walked out the door this morning! Hotboy
I didn't realise you knew any sane sober folk other than Albert.
Albert? That's a good one! Hotboy
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