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Thursday, 8 December 2011

And the wind did blow!

Thursday 8:30 p.m.
                             Felt a bit useful today! The gale blew and the social services collapsed around me. We only got the carer in for this morning and they had to call off the next three. But I think they would have fought through somehow if the old doll had been without family here. Or me. I made dinners and didn't train due to the weather outside. Even running up and down the garden path was not on today due to the horrible weather. There's nowhere I can train indoors here. Anyway, it has been a good day! I managed to meditate for seven hours anyway, I think, though, of course, there are interruptions.
                            I'm used to coming here now. As long as the routine stays more or less the same, I can get along with it. And I seem to have strangled the Nicotine Dragon to death this time. First the nicotine. Then the drink. The Beer Monster has turned into a wino, but nothing stays the same and, once the Nicotine Dragon has been subdued .... well, that's the hard one! It's nearly three weeks now, I think. Soon the drinking will diminish and the flatheids .... I'm going to have to withdraw from the flatheids and keep them down to once a week. There's bugger all you can do about the too dumb to meditate. One has to detach eventually almost completely, at least for periods.
                            Having said that, I'll be seeing Poisonous on Saturday or Sunday. To buy a digital camera and have a cup of coffee. Maybe a cup of coffee!
                             I've sold about nine books in the last eight days. Most pleased that three of them were the kid's book about Tibet, sort of. Also, I sold the Buddha and the BBW to some French person. My first French sale. The money doesn't really matter, but it's been good that Kindle has allowed these ten books to be somewhere where someone might stumble over them!


Anonymous said...

I say!

Better get a waterproof digital camera.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I had to call off the search with Poisonous today since I've decided to hide instead! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Mrs M and myself were just raising our glasses and saying "Sláinte" to the end of the grouse shooting season today, when Mrs M pondered how many brace you had bagged this year.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I haven't had a pair of braces since I was kid. If it is the other brace .... my teeth have always been perfect! Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

Glad you did ok in the weather.

I have to admit that it was a respectable gale, but after living on Skye I thought folks were getting a bit over excited.

Glad to hear you are currently winning against that Dragon.

Well done on the book sales.

rob said...

Congrats on going global.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I didn't think it was that dramatic. The media winds it all up!
Albert? I will sell books as soon as I can join the amazon discussion threads in the states. That's where all the sales have come from. If I hadn't kept up with that, they wouldn't have sold any. Or one, like the one to the French. Hotboy

the prof said...

Good move, getting Poisonous to help keep you on track. Wouldn't want to blow the camera money on something else.