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Sunday, 4 December 2011

Disability and moi!

Sunday 11:03 p.m.
                            Tomorrow at noon I'll be letting my chummy Brian, who is clinically depressed but does not think meditating is a good idea, go to the hospital by sitting with his wife who has MS. I haven't asked what he's going to hospital for. Sometimes you are better not asking.
                             On Tuesday I'm having a meeting at about two o clock with the consiglieri and a nice man so we can talk about God knows what. Obviously, stuff I'm not in he slightest bit interested in since my main aim is to stay away from flatheids so I can settle my mind and enjoy being on my own, and doing something to how I perceive the world. Your mind does not settle if you engage with the flatheids who make you think about things, and always things you'd rather not think about because these things are stupid things, and you should leave all that stuff to the flatheids to think about.
                               On Wednesday I'll be sitting with the mother in law, and I will be doing that through till Friday when I will visit the auld maw. I get back to myself on Friday about four o clock.
                               Did I stop trying to write for this?
                                Who ever you are, I'll always relied on the kindness of strangers.
                                 I'll have to learn how to meditate whilst walking about. I'll have to learn to meditate in a way I know you can't learn to meditate because leave one chink in your armour and these flatheids will not leave you alone.
                                 Compassion and altruism is the basis of the path. Fung them!


NaNoSkye said...

No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.

Hotboy said...

Marie! Hope you're keeping better now! I think I might have been drinking when I wrote that post. Two weeks with no smoking today though. Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

I'm improving, slowly. Though my weight keeps dropping which isn't good.

Well done on staying away from the Nicotine Dragon.

Hotboy said...

Marie! Spent the afternoon with my friend with the MS yesterday. She never complains and always seems cheerful. Puts everything into perspective really!! It's bugger all to do with me that I've still got my health. Hope yours continues to improve!!! Hotboy p.s. I'm doing three hours on the cushion in one hour slots this morning. Medicine Buddha juju. I'll dedicate the next one to you though it won't do you any good. It'll be good for me though. Battle on!

rob said...

I think your chummy Brian's saying bliss pills are the way to go.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Yon boy does not look like he's getting much bliss off the bliss pills! Hotboy

rob said...

Some catatonics got it and some ain't.