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Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Goodby to all that!

10:16 p.m.
               So I wakened up and looked to my left at this asian kid and he did not like the look of me, but then immediately got off the bus. Where the fung am I? So I got off the bus and looked at the front of it and it said Tranent. I have no idea where Tranent is.

               It's cold and kind of snowy, so I kind of staggered off to have a piss against this tree, then came back and tried to engage with the bus driver about where I was and all that. He's a kind of fat basturn and probably one of those public service folk who do not have a pension, and I ask him if the bus is going back to town, and he says it is.

             Before I lost consciousness, I think I must have got on the bus in Portobello. I was in Portobello at the behest of the consiglierie, but he was not able to be there, so I had to interrupt my meditations to be there on my own and meet up with Allan Guthrie, who is really a sweet guy, and someone who can tell you all kinds of things about how to get some attention on the Kindle thing. I cannot say enough good things about such a joe and will put him on my list of deid folk whom I think of every day, but he is not deid yet.

            So he was able to tell me about how to optimise my chances of making even more than £10:88 from the Kindle thing.

           I could have died out there in the snowy wastes of wherever I was, except for the wonderful man who was driving the bus, who took me back into the town.

         I've got ten books parked on Kindle. If you are a fortunate creature, you may read one or two of them, the ones about the bliss and such like.If you would really like to read a good book, a much better book than I could ever write, read A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway. Anything by him is much better than anything I have ever written. I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning is the best of books, and was written by the joe who wrote Cider With Rosie. A modern book worth reading is The City of Thieves, a lovely book.  Don't bother reading any of my books. There are much better books to read. Darkness at Noon. Goodbye To All That. If There Be A Man. The Way of The White Clouds. The Book Of The Three Inspirations. The Bliss of Inner Fire.

       If you'r a smart kid read Junk by M. Burgess. Holes by Sachar. Tons of books that are way better than anything I've ever written. I don't read books any more. I've got ten books on Kindle now. If you want them, your karma will lead you to them! But there are much better books!

(I posted this last night on my writing blog, but deleted it this morning. So I've stuck it here.)


Anonymous said...

I say!

Are the buses in Scotland full of old people who get on them to sleep?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Certainly not! The government here pays unemployed gorgeous babes to get off and on them to cheer up the old men and keep them awake! Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

I rarely sleep on buses. Mostly because I'm nosy and want to watch people.

Well done on the Kindle thing. I was wondering about putting my one book up on it. But decided I really don't care if anyone actually reads it.

Hotboy said...

Marie! The guy was telling me how to market stuff. Just a huge hassle and waste of meditating time. I'll write about it this morning on my writing blog, which is actually getting hits.Looks like the wind will blow us all away today! Hotboy

rob said...

Tony O'Boyle and Frank used to talk about Tranent.

I didn't realize anyone else had a daily list of deid folk. Do you do it as a penance like all yon tim rituals? I maintain mine because I love remembering them. Dazzle, Denny, the Old Dear. Plus the uncondtionally-loving great aunt. That's all. How big's yours?

rob said...

PS I'm sure you behave yourself when the babes get on. Sitting up the back in your greatcoat?

Hotboy said...

Albert? I think there's nineteen or so on my list now. And I was sitting up the front in my new leather jacket! A total babe magnet in that, so I am! Hotboy