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Thursday, 29 December 2011

Not Home Alone Again!

Thursday 9:30 p.m.
                            Last week I thought the good mother was doing well enough for me not to spend two nights here and just come on the Thursday. Then I got told she seemed very confused on the Friday. You see what you see. I can sit and roll my eyeballs up to the top of my head, and I don't make demands. But she seems very tired this week. Maybe Christmas knocks it out of you when you're that age. So she's been sleeping a lot, and slumping more when she sleeps now, and went to bed a good bit earlier than usual tonight and last night. Perhaps dying of old age is about running out of energy.
                             The Tibetans say that going to sleep and dying are much the same process.
                              I'm thinking of making the effort to stop drinking for a year next year. The New Year's resolution. I've done this at least twice before, maybe more, but some time ago. I'm not going to do it so I can live longer. As the man said, there's nothing worth giving up for a few more years in the geriatric ward.
                              The meditation stuff has moved on even compared to last week. I'm getting hot alright. If
I stop drinking, I'll be meditating more in a mentally more purified state. I'm now entering the dangerous ground, the really, really freaky stuff. But it hasn't hurt me yet, and I don't think it will. Hope not.
                               Is this not what you asked for, Hotboy? Well, Jack, if I don't know what it is, how could I have asked for it? I was a fortunate creature in that I didn't have to work like hell just to be normal. Or appear normal.
                               I feel maybe a wee bit like a professional footballer of about thirty two. Might have another couple of years left at the top, maybe not. Next year is the time to really go for it. So swally on till the 2nd!


Anonymous said...

I say!

If only "There's nothing worth giving up for a few more years in the geriatric ward." had been the subject line, that post would certainly have gone viral in the Heard Island and McDonald Islands, if not other places as well.

Mrs M and myself wish everyone in Kalimbuka and elsewhere a wonderful New Year.


NaNoSkye said...

I expect a lot of elderly folks look forward to the holidays and then once they are done get very tired.

I also believe that dying is like falling asleep. Though I've read that dying can also be like waking up.

I don't do resolutions, I just take one day at a time.

I'm not surprised the meditations improve when you have the garbage out of your system.

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! The line's one of John Mortimer's.
Marie! It's not raining today yet! last week it was and waiting for buses in the rain .... oh, no! Hotboy

rob said...

If going to sleep is like dying, what is dying in your sleep like?

Happy New Year to all your readers. How fortunate that the year of giving up drink doesn't start till the 2nd! Have a last Erdinger on me (just take it out of what you owe me).