Thursday 11:10 p.m.
They think they exist, the sentient beings do. That's why all you hear from them is the moaning and groaning. Oh, no! I'm going to die! Well, like everything else, that's not true. In this ocean of missapprehension, nothing is true. These are just the thoughts, lying basturns every one!
Even if I could prove my existence to my satisfaction, I would not like to exist for as long as the mother-in-law, or the auld maw, or any of these examples of good health. Well, where does all that good health get you? Feeling, Clinging, Craving, and Becoming, Birth, Old Age, and Death --- Disllusionment, Disappointment and Despair --- Suffering In This Life!!
I am not doing that, the old age and dying bit. That's for the stupid people. As soon as a few folk pop their clogs, I want to go and spend the about fifteen grands I've got on blow-jobs, nice friendly whores, some decent drugs, and then suicide. It's definitely not going to be me who dies anyway.
What do you think, Jack? This is much more positive than the last post, Hotboy. Well, Jack, I've decided that some old person's old dear is really okay, and it was just my sense of guilt that drove me to waste the first year of my retirement sitting around here, doing nothing. The mother in law has got better. Today she spoke on the phone and said something sensible and it took a long time.
Also, today the bliss was hot and blissful. Maybe I should be working now on the shyness and the catholic residue, and find some nice friendly whores, and loll around on foreign shores for a bit, and then blow my brains out, or just come home.
I don't want to do this stuff anymore!
The morning after!
I bought two bottles of plonko collapso last night, but cunningly poured half a bottle down the sink as soon as I opened it. However, this morning I found this post and don't remember writing it. I would have deleted it, but Mingin' had left a comment, so ...this monk like existence has obviously been getting to me!! Feeling great this morning as well. I must be habituating to the white wine!!
I say!
Another thing that doesn't exist is the perfect batting pitch. That One-Day match between South Africa and Australia, where both teams scored over 400 runs came close, but it was not completely perfect.
Mingin'! I don't know who wrote that post. I couldn't have been me anyway or I would have remembered it. I would have deleted it, but since you've left comment ... Hotboy p.s. I feel great this morning as well. One and a half bottles of plonko collapso seems to be the ideal dose these days! Once I've stopped drinking, there will be little left to stop!!
Hotters, Albert says Thailand's the place to go for whores or at least cheap massages if you're past it. They could probably help you top yourself too. I'll join you for the last few weeks, and if you want I could fire your ashes from a cannon, like Hunter T.
Albert? Jains starve themselves to death. Giving up the body it's called. Better than all this geriatric nonsense. Dr Shephard maybe wasn't that wrong. Hotboy
Albert? The lord is my shepard. Shipman!!! Hotboy
Self starvation's not a bad idea. The maw outlaw would be gone already if they hadn't insisted on feeding her intravenously all year.
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