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Sunday, 1 January 2012

January Ist, 2012

Sunday 4:40 p.m.
                          Went for a walk today. The first two photies were taken yesterday. Despite the Jack Daniels last night, the meditation before the walk was amazing for the heat. It's like that part doesn't give a damn what the rest of me does!! This is definitely going to be the year of the heat!!


NaNoSkye said...

Lovely winter trees.

We went for a walk yesterday, it was nice enough when we set off. But 2/3 of the way back it started to pour.

Got home drookit. One of these days I'll get the hang of the weather, but it is always changing.

Hotboy said...

Marie! Getting a hang of the lingo if not the weather! Drookit is a great word! Hotboy

rob said...

Is drookit a bit like dreich?

In the first picture I think there's the remains of a snowman.

Hotboy said...

Albert? G'day! I think dreich isn't necessarily wet. Drookit is soaked to the skin! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Albert? G'day! I think dreich isn't necessarily wet. Drookit is soaked to the skin! Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

In my experience dreich is just overcast and dull outside. While drookit is soaked to the skin.

I like to hope I'm picking up local dialect, makes me look less stupid when folks talk to me.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I think most folk like American accents. I do. Funnily enough, when talkies first came to the cinema, nobody in Blighty could understand them! Hotboy p.s. The little Englanders used to say that about us.

rob said...

Hotters and Nanners. Thanks for clearing that up.

In the spirit of Mingers' new year quiz, define stravaig.