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Monday, 23 January 2012

Thick. If someone as thick as moi ...

1:32 a.m.
              So ...
 I think you have to look out at the world and see that as your mind.

How long did it take you to work that one out, Hotboy? Eons, Jack! I used to be a squiggly wee thing in the pond. Eons and eons even to speak anything other than woof woof. So having at last sussed it out, I think I should repeat it.

 I think you have to look out at the world and see that as your mind.

What do you think, Jack? 

Crap. Nowhere near as good as: The mind game is the only game in town.

Frankly, I'm wallowing like a hog fed on grain. Of course, it will not always be like this.


NaNoSkye said...

You keep doing the same things and expecting different results.

I believe that makes you crazy my friend.

I think we are all getting restless for spring.

Hotboy said...

Marie! You're right! It might be time to start giving up giving up! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I don't think that the priests up on the Plateau feed their pigs grain. I think they add vegetable peelings to pellets, plus old fruit, etc.


rob said...

I say! Surely looking out at the world and seeing that as your mind is a definition of projection?

Albert asks people: are you ready to die? If yes, there's nothing wrong with staring at the wall. If not, just get on with what you still need to do. Shadow boxing just pumps up the testosterone and makes you dissatisfied. Mind you it's easy for Albert, he's been on borrowed time for decades.

rob said...

I liked "it will not always be like this". Always a help.

Hotboy said...

Albert? You refer to shadow boxing again. It's a wonderful exercise, not anything else!
re-projection: The mind referred to is supposed to be not you. It's MIND. You arise in it simultaneously with the computery thing. So it might be projection from mind, but it's not your mind. That'll be ten percent off the top! Hotboy p.s. Can you see how this view if maintained would solve all your problems?

rob said...

Hotters. Let me know when the mind games have solved all your problems. I don't really have any. Just kidding.

Re the shadow boxing, remember it's never either/or. Vigorous exercise is marvelous and Albert should do more of it. AND it can also pump up the murderous impulses, at least in albert's case. No need to thank me.