Wednesday 7:40 p.m.
The photie was taken in the coffee shop this afternoon. I like going to the coffee shop now and I like the big black coffee with four sugars. I read the paper there or try to read my current Mahamudra book.
This afternoon was a bit different since I didn't meditate this afternoon. After the wee apres luncho lie down and dozing in the bliss, I got up and went for the five hill run. Only once or twice did I feel the doubt, and want to abandon it. But I didn't. It was almost enjoyable. It was a lovely day. I used to do this run in around 32 to 34 minutes. Today it took 45 minutes. I've invented the new jogging for fat, old people. It's called walking.
After lying in the bath for an hour, I wrote my book for a bit and then went out to Costas to read the paper.
My morning was somewhat stymied by drinking the bottle of collapso whilst watching the footie last night. One day I will give up all that malarkey. I felt fine in the morning, but I had some things to do and that always makes me mad.
I tried to get tickets for a talk by the Dalai Lama in Caird Hall, and failed. Then I came to the bad bit. The bad bit was going to happen when I tried to move money from my savings account into my current account. My birthday is in February. So I want to move a year's worth of money this month. After failing to remember my username, I decided that I should try this at the bank though I thought with this account you had to use the phone or the computery thing. The girl at the bank switched the money and I felt suddenly rich. I had a whole year's worth of spending money in my current account. And no more dealing with bank accounts for another whole year! Also, kind of stashed a grand in my savings account for going to India. Hurrah!
I'll have to buy a second hand guitar soon. Then that'll be it, the end of the presents to me from me. The leather jacket, the wee camera, the guitar and ... the trip to India.
It is still wonderful that the unemployment with some money happened to me so suddenly and unexpectedly. I love not having a jobbie!!! I just love it!
Tomorrow, I go to the ancient mother in law and on Friday I go to the auld maw, and then on Saturday I have to get to Liberton Hospital to see our friend with the MS. I haven't been visiting her when she's been there since I started going to Newmains. But now I'm only going to stay in Lanarkshire for the one night .... It's a lot of disability. It makes me feel sorry for the flatheids who just do not get the bliss, and it makes me want to meditate more.
It's still light around half five at night. This is wonderful. Everything is getting better.
Walking is better than jogging for sure. Easier on the knees.
I drink coffee with 4 sugars and 2 heaping tablespoons of Coffeemate, since I can't have milk.
Why India?
I would also liked to have seen the Dalai Lama. One of the few 'famous' folks I'd like to sit and have a cuppa with and just talk to.
Glad the visiting is going well.
I say!
I can see from the newspaper in the photo that you were reading about the Royals. Well done!
It used to be the case here that when the President's picture was in the newspaper, you couldn't burn or throw it away, once it was read. Disrespectful, and all that.
I expect you've cut out and framed the snap of HRH.
I say!
Not much chance of you having this regret.
Mingin'! My only regret is knocking back all the gorgeous babes! Hotboy
Hotters. Good of Costas to house some of the overflow mess from your gaff. That'll be why you feel comfortable there. PS how long will the year's worth of money last?
Albert? It's about ninety quid a week to spend on food and drink and such. A beggar's banquet if ever there was one! It will last me till I die! Hotboy
I had no idea you were so far gone.
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