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Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Tuesday 28th Feb., 8:02 p.m.
                                           I spotted daffodils today! The first one was the wee one in our allotment and the big one was next door. I also noticed the rhubarb has started to grow. Great!
                                           I have now dug a quarter of the allotment. This is very pleasing since it's further ahead than I've ever been at this time of the year. Due to having Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday morning with no jobbie of course. Hurrah!
                                           There is now a large bulwark down the middle of the allotment ... I'll come back to this later. Someone came in.


Anonymous said...

I say!

Snap two - are the trams being diverted through your allotment?


Hotboy said...
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Hotboy said...

Mingin'! It's the landing site for the alien space ship. Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

Lovely flowers!

Rhubarb is so lovely. I'm looking forward to planting some at the new place.

Glad the digging is going so well.

Hotboy said...

Marie! Shame the camera isn't very good at taking flowers. Better for the clouds! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Even Scott of the Antarctic took snaps in better focus, with a box Brownie in a 100 mph wind and minus 40 degrees when he was half starved and near frozen.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! There's bugger all I can do about the focusing!! It's the camera. Trust Poisonous to get me cheap crap!! Hotboy

rob said...

Not sure who the red carpet was for. The allotment oscars?