Saturday 11:07 a.m.
I wrote something on my wall this morning, the first new thing for years. It's the famous six points of how to continue sitting quietly doing nothing from Tilopa, the granddaddy of Tibetan Buddhism.
Do not recall
Do not think
Do not anticipate
Do not meditate
Do not analyse
Do rest naturally.
I came across this again in the The Essentials of Mahamudra, which I've been dipping into every now and again now for a few weeks. Wonderful book. I think I should really pay attention to this at this point since I'm farther away from doing any kind of long retreat than I've ever been.
The instruction "Do not meditate" is the most difficult for me. It means don't fabricate anything. This is very hard to do.
I've been very good this week with not drinking or smoking. It was a very good thing to hide from Saturday till I had to go to Newmains on Thursday. But sometimes I miss good conversation. When this happens I sometimes try to have a conversation with some one and then I go back to hiding. This is because my deep dear friends are all flatheids to the bone, and flatheids don't really have anything interesting to say. And I tend to feel a little desperate before I start pouring Guinness down my throat. Anyway, I'm phoning Poisonous in an hour. I'll try to stick to the coffee!!!
I say!
What is the obsesssion with maths all about?
Mingin'! Maths!
Re the desire for good conversation, have you tried an internal dialogue?
Albert? I had a great conversation with Poisonous!! Just don't expect it to go so well! Hotboy
Was it by any chance about the 4 noble truths?
Albert? Phenomenology! And the three stages of mahamudra meditations! Hotboy
I was in the ball park.
Albert? I think I've recorded it. I'd send you a copy, but you'd need to drink gallons of guinness while listening to it, so I won't bother. Hotboy
You could get Brian to show you how to upload it as a podcast.
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