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Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Clouds today.

Wednesday 8:52 p.m.
                                 One half of the allotment has been dug and it's just the start of March. The other half is half dug. I'm miles ahead. This is because I am retired. When the Domestic Bliss got the allotment about sixteen years ago, I thought it was sixteen years too soon, but the first thing you learn is that you always got to wait.
                                   It was cold today at the diggings. Sunny and cold. The area I was digging was so invaded with couch grass last year that I used the spade, not the fork. Sod busting, but I really prefer digging with the spade. It's faster. Speed digging. The amount I dug today would have killed me sixteen years ago. Weird how some things improve as most things start to fall apart.
                                     The new dentist is space age. The female assistants are dressed in very well cut, tight black uniforms. When you get leaned back, you find yourself staring at a teevee screen. I'm  a NHS patient this time. The only thing I miss is the wonderful looking receptionist at the last place. You could go months and months and never see someone as good looking as that. Years.
                                       I've decided not to make arrangements with anyone to do anything. Now that I've stopped looking forward to anything, and when all appointments are like great sucking black holes in your chance of happiness, why make them? I haven't got any arrangements to do anything or see anyone at the moment and I think I'd like it to stay like that.
                                        Being on your own for most of the time is sometimes quite hard. Sitting quietly doing nothing is sometimes not as easy as it was because you went out and got steaming the day before. It was easier writing books.
                                          I'm trying to wean myself off looking at the reports from Kindle. I'm been doing that a lot recently. I'm trying to give up clickying on anything at all to do with Kindle. Surely I must be coming close to the time when I can finally put all that behind me.
                                           I think it might be better to make everything in your life completely humdrum and routine. I think to do these meditations properly you don't want a lot of excitement. Or any at all. My problems come from trying to act like I'm on a retreat when I'm out here with all the flatheids!!


Anonymous said...

I say!

I feel sure that soon you'll be a kindlionaire.


rob said...

On Telly this week I saw Aung San Suu Kyi explain the 4 noble thingies in about 30 seconds. Doesn't get much better than that, surely.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Well, what did she say then? Hotboy

rob said...

What is this - an exam? It's 4 bits of common sense, so there was no point in memorizing it.

Hotboy said...

So you don't even know the four noble truths? Dearie me!