Wednesday 9:40 a.m.
Diseased yesterday, I didn't get up till after twelve since it was too shivery out of bed. I didn't meditate much yesterday and lay on top of the bed for quite a while watching the telly, and thinking about how much fun I could have if I just became more normal. I could meditate for two hours a day maybe, and write books. I could stop being so blinking focused and go with the flow more. I could have a more balanced time. I could look forward to seeing my friends and family. I could stop drinking. I've already stopped just about everything else. I could take up dairy. I could eat fish. I could give up trying with the meditations. I could cut down on the bliss and try to up the emptiness. I could find a middle way. Anyway, here comes the first meditation of the day. I think it's okay to meditate all morning.
1:10 p.m.
The first meditation today last two and a half hours. I'm going to try and spend most of the afternoon working on writing and whatnot. Hmmm?
10.25 p.m.
This normality thing is working really well. This afternoon I did some Kindle stuff and went out for a coffee and a read at the newspaper. Meditated this evening, but only for an hour or so. Now I'm going to stretch out on my bed and watch the telly. Just relax.
My disease is much improved. I'll be able to go and give it to the mother-in-law tomorrow. How long are you infectious for? Alien is on now. Lie back and watch the monsters.
I hadn't thought of it like that. I daresay it's perfectly okay to even meditate every single waking hour, so long as it's not driven. But you'd have to be driven in order to meditate that much.
To meditate that much, you might just need to get into it!
Steady on Hotters. Swami Bob says it's important to have a balance of action and inaction. Are you getting enough unfocused exercise i.e. not digging?
If I was retired like you, I would have a dog. Change your life, so it would.
Albert? I've changed my tactics as of now. Hotboy
Sorry to hear you are poorly. I expect things will improve soon.
Looking for a middle way is a good idea. I think there is much to be said for balancing our lives and not fighting them constantly.
Marie! I'm well enough today to go and see my mother-in-law. Just hope I don't give her the cold! Hotboy
Marie! I'm well enough today to go and see my mother-in-law. Just hope I don't give her the cold! Hotboy
I suppose it's progress that you're well enough to take on the flatheids.
I say!
I told Doviko that the rains had failed this year in chilly Jockland, and he says that he hopes you don't starve.
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