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Monday, 5 March 2012

The parable of the empty dishes

Monday 9:00 p.m.
                             I feel constrained about going on and on about the developments in the bliss because this blog is only ever read by the too dumb to meditate, and this information is useless to them, and also it would take a great and futile effort to try to describe it, and I can't be bothered.
                             But the bliss is so wonderful just now! Something has leap forward again with the opening of the channels or whatever it might be called. I'll just leave it at that.
                              Today was the most beautiful day! We went for a walk to the Botanics, but I could not find my camera, so I posted the photies of the dinners I had in Aviemore instead. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the photies before I ate the dinners!
                               I can see nothing but improvement coming all round! The mirror was attached to the bathroom wall this morning first thing by Don the Electrician and myself, acting as holder upper. There are no more men scheduled to come round here and do things to the flat, though the flat does still need things done. But this is the end of the decorating phase.
                               I'm going to tell Jack all about the bliss the next time and just ignore you!


rob said...

How appetizing! Did you prefer the vomit or the droppings? You'd think they could just have spat on your food like a normal restaurant.

PS - always nice to be reminded of one's dumbness.

Anonymous said...

I say!

I have it on good authority that once the SNP declare UDI and most sensible people have subsequently taken the gap, the economy has collapsed and the Scottish Dollar is trading at 2 billion-billion to the Zim Dollar, people under 80 who are not in gainful employment will be given a stark choice: Go back to work; or be shot.


Hotboy said...

Albert? Having digested the spat on food, I thought I should show the results. Why a slate? My heart sank even further. Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! All the bad people will be excised. You're okay at last if you are not in the masons, are not royalty, do not understand what creekit is, and do not grovel to them that just laughs ha, ha. Hotboy