Wednesday 8:20 p.m.
Had quite a normal day today. I meditated all morning and then went out to the Botanics since the weather was nice again. Then I went to the allotment for more meditating and another wee bit of digging and planting.
The black lines you can see on the bottom photie are compost; lines of compost where I stuck the wee onions. From the photies yesterday, you can see that I've planted the bit I dug yesterday and the bit I dug today. Today I prepared the ground about six lines of digging deep. That's probably about seventy spade lifts. God alone knows why that tires me so much!! But it does!.
As I was walking to the allotment - for the first time without a jumper under my jacket this year - through Inverleith Park I felt very pleased that I'd never left Edinburgh to get a jobbie or work anywhere else. There's always the temptation or you have to move anyway because you want to make more money, or even just get any kind of job. I just stayed relatively poor and stayed here in the beautiful, wonderful city. There's no where else I'd rather be. Where I live is a great place to live!!!
There's a pigeon in the second tree photie. Can you spot it?
I say!
I hear that George Osborne is imposing a hut tax. Will that affect you?
Glad the digging and planting is going so well.
It is good to be happy where you are.
Great pics.
Mingin'! The SNP will bowl him out in two years time!! Hotboy
Marie! Lovely morning here. Travelling this afternoon looks like it will be fine. Hurrah. Hotboy
Pigeon dead centre, balls hanging from branches.
Whoever desecrated the war graves can at least wee straight, probably a Bavarian.
I say!
I hear that His Excellency The Life President Salmond is working with that chap with his hair on backwards - Trump - to make all of Scotland into a massive golf course so that non-taxpaying people like Sean Connery and his rich non-domiciled friends can play anytime they want. Is that correct?
Mingin'! We're going to be living in a Tory free country which is not ruled by chaps from Eton. I suspect the evil bourgeois will get it in the neck at some point, but they never cared for anybody but themselves and probably deserve it for being fascists. Hope this helps.
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