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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Big Jambo Day

12.19 p.m.
                 I try to remember that May Day is Big Jambo Day to me because it was on this holiday weekend that he and Jeannie took me and the kiddo down to the Samye Ling, it being my first time there. That would be 1988 and the Samye Ling has been very important to me ever since. In fact, I'm going down for a long weekend on Thursday!
                 I was hoping to concentrate this week on meditating and little else. It's hard to settle down at first when you go meditating to the Samye Ling, but it's much easier if you have a good run in beforehand. Unfortunately, I've got business to do.
                 I have to cycle down to Leith today for a message; and the last wee bit of the allotment has remained undug due to the inclement conditions; and I have to work my way through the editing of the book called something like the ancient being the future.
                  The last thing has been getting on my wick, especially since I couldn't see what the problem was with the proofreading of it until I discovered I was proofreading the wrong text! Dearie me! I still have four chapters left to go through, and then I'll have to try and upload it and then various disasters can be anticipated. I'd really like to have that done before I go down to the Samye, but I'll just have to see how it goes.
                   Seeing my friends in the wild west was wonderful. Sometimes I don't want to do a thing because it interferes with my meditations, but there was nothing but pluses about that visit.
                    So it's May Day. I'm not a nationalist, but I'll be voting for the SNP when the referendum comes up because the south of Britain, unfortunately, wants Tory governments. In fact, the only Tory I know is Brian Wilson, the only person in Scotland who thinks the Highland Clearances were motivated by beneficence! But May Day is normally worker's day. Hurrah and free beer for the workers!!
 Then raise the scarlet standard high.
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here. 

9.00 p.m.
               Very successful day really. Cycled down to Leith and got my message. Finished editing the book, which had bugger all wrong with it as far as I could see. Mystery as to what was wrong with it in the first place, but it did make me attend it again. It's like the thriller I wrote .. crap. But thrillers are all crap. If you wanted to read a sweeping heroic epic ... then this evening I got to the allotment for the first time in ages, it seems. It's been wet. We were at the wild west. The only problem just now is that I'm finding it harder to settle into the meditations, but that's what happens when you walk away for a bit. I'll be in the Samye in two nights time.


rob said...

I'm sure it's mutual, and after 1988 Samye Ling was never quite the same again for the blissheids there.

rob said...

PS isn't it time to pass the flag on to the young folk? They don't know any better.

Anonymous said...

I say!

Do they speak Tibetan at the Samye Ling?


NaNoSkye said...

I would like to be going to Samye Ling this weekend. But I'll still be painting.

Maybe once the decorating is done and we are all moved.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Of course they don't speak Tibetan. Haven't the Chinese killed all the Tibetans yet?

Hotboy said...

Marie! I never look forward to the journey, but I get there so rarely these days!
Albert? We know all the middle class people who don't talk about politics are polite fascists!

rob said...

Yes, much nicer than the rude blue collar fascists.

rob said...

If the jaunt to Eskdalemuir fags you out, it would be sadistic to bequeath you a gold bar for travel expenses to the dope dens of the world.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I would pray for your eternal soul or mind or spirit for only a little gold bar! Hotboy6