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Thursday, 3 May 2012

First Samye Ling Day!

2.20 p.m.
              Just got here after a very good journey about an hour and a half ago. The man I thought was very strange once upon a time spoke to me at the bus stop in Lockerbie. I know you, he said. Yes, I should have replied, I'm the other nutter. Actually had quite a long conversation with the Gatekeeper. Anyway, the sun is splitting the trees and there's nowhere I'd rather be when the sun shines than here!!


rob said...

Must be nice to be amongst one's own kind.

Are you in a tent again with your wee torch

NaNoSkye said...

Glad you had a good trip and made a new friend.

I hope you enjoyed the sunshine, today doesn't look as promising.

Hotboy said...

Hi All! I fell in the river yesterday and got soaked!! You've got to laugh!! The gong bashing this morning has been great. Must get back there now!!! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Albert? No, I'm in room 13 with a fine view of a wooden wall! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Naw! I'm in room 13 with a fine view of a wooden wall! Hotboy

rob said...

I think I get it.

rob said...

Methinks the blissheid doth profess too much about the ascetic bedroom. It's a tantric dorm, isn't it?

PS well done falling in without a drink in you.

PPS you might say you were in the drink. It all balances up.