Sunday 9.27 p.m.
You think you can communicate quickly with the computery connections!
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I inadvertently downloaded your toolbar one night whilst not in my proper senses, and I now it is blocking where I put the title on my bloggy. Over the times I have viewed your toolbar while trying to type and correct in the title space of my bloggy, I have always admired its design. But it is designed for a younger person, I think. Could you please let me know how to get it off my computery thing? I would be most grateful. Thank you.
Here's three old photies. Trying to get the bluetooth thing to work proved impossible for me. I'm still resisting paying for batteries since I do not think it is right that one battery only seems to last for four photies!
The joe made, I think, a bit of a heroic effort to get out and come over here for his bit of the pizza. It was this pizza stuff and such like concoctions that bonded us in our youth. The search to get out of your head and the folk to search therewith. But I don't even know how much of a heroic effort to get up our stairs was because I do not know how it feels to be that ill. And he still looks more or less okay. He left half way through our conversation to go to the chemist for some liquid morphine. Since he is my pal, he offered me a dose and said I'd hardly feel it. 15ml.
I've been a bit crabbit today, Jack. I think it might be from the joints we smoked yesterday because the tobacco is pure poison to your wonderful thoughts. Of course, I ate a bit of pizza. Then the 15ml.
Albert would know what that meant, the 15ml dose. But although he knows everything, especially stuff about computery things, and he cannot stop banging on about that time he almost invented the internet and all, he won't fung tell us, will he? No, he won't. He doesn't give a damn about my toolbar problems! But this is important, Albert! Should I ask for two doses the next time? That's 30ml. It's called Oralmorph, I think. Must have had Shelley working in the office that day. Anyway, what's the lethal dose? Two bottles? What?
We can do Lenny Bruce here, so we could, if we wanted to. But it just takes you away from the bliss. The bliss takes you away, at least for a bit, from the First Noble Truth. When I first heard of the First Noble Truth, I thought that's the kind of miserable crap you'd expect to come out of a country that was continually swept through by hordes of tinkers. Later, I surmised that the Indian sub-continent might not be quite like that. But it is a miserable, miserable one. The First Noble Truth is the Truth of Suffering.
I'm going to try and try to meditate my way out of my view of myself, but sometimes, it seems, we are sent here to take a bit of a spanking. And meditating your way out of the First Noble Truth might be take you quite a while. And I felt really crabbit today and I slept for about ten hours last night.
The reason you're beyond even Albert's help is the usual lack of precision. "get it off my computery thing" is somewhat wide in scope.
And poor Albert has his hands full already, trying to undo the obstructions that you set up, naturally inadvertently, at his end. E.g. the default mobile template which he has to undo from each of your posts, before he can comment. No wonder he has no time left over for inventing the next Internet.
Re the 15ml. advice, I see where you're going - get Albert to commit in public to dosage advice, then top yourself with an overdose. Get the kiddo to sue the gold bars off me. A posthumous breadwinner.
Dave if you're there, Albert says hi, maybe catch up when he visits Hotters in July.
Albert? I knew you'd be completely useless!! Hotboy
From you that's praise.
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