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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Two Old Photies

          I've been labouring under a debilitating disease this week past. It's just a flu like thing, but I'm completely useless at being sick. I just hate it. I suppose since I'm sixty one that sometime over the next few years it's entirely possible that I will become ill and be ill for some time before dying. I hope I don't have to do that because I wouldn't be any good at it.
           The best thing that's happened all week was getting a good review for the book about the bliss. The last review it got said it was excoriating. The woman hated it. But the guy who liked it was bang on the demographic really - someone who taught English in a secondary school.
            The second best thing that happened this week was getting £11.97 from Kindle. That's about forty five quid I've made, which is forty five more than I expected!
             The best thing about this disease is that you can sometimes still do the bliss. The worst thing is that when you are not doing the bliss, you feel scunnered by everything. Oh well, at least it should go away soon!


Anonymous said...

I say!

It sounds like it's malaria.


NaNoSkye said...

Sorry to hear you are still not well. It isn't easier to deal with being sick, even if you are used to it.

Well done on the book sales. I put my book on Kindle as well. But I'm not working to sell it at all.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I'm feeling much better this morning! Hotboy

rob said...

I say! Thank goodness Albert won't be exposed to your malaria and spread it across the globe.