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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Towards the Samye

Monday 00.20 a.m.
                             I went for a walk in the Botanics today. I had new batteries in the camera. I got them because I'm going down to the Samye Ling for five nights as of tomorrow. Sometimes I may have to sit through the passage of time, but I hope I am not frustrated, and can do the bliss and be happy, and contented, and satiated. That would be nice.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Family Break

          There were't any retired people or baldy folk with us so it should have been alright. I was the oldest of the four of us. We went to Peebles. We walked up and down the main street for a bit. These Scottish towns all look more or less the same. Peebles. Dunbar. Musselburgh. So we walked up and down for a bit. Then we got in the motor and went to find a country walk, a marked trail. It took up through the forest. This is a man made forest and no light gets down close to the ground, and inside the forest everything is darkened and dead, the ground totally covered in dead pine needles, ochre floor. Only spiders would do well in there. And vampires. Who thought it was a good idea to lead folk along squeezed on either side by this horrorshow? Bonnie Scotland? What?
           We walked up and down the street in Innerleithen as well. There are no MacDonalds in Peebles or Innerleithen. I'm a great supporter of MacDonalds and think there should be one everywhere. You could buy chips from MacDonalds. Several times we walked up  and down the street in Innerleithen investigating the cafes and wee restaurants, up back alleys, up stairs, round tunnels. No MacDonald's. Damn blight on the tourist, so it is.
            So I had a wee break from the tai chi, and the standing on the head, and the fantastic, fantastic amount of bliss I've been getting since the fast last week. Flatheids don't miss the bliss. Flatheids rush around all over the place. I'm always left completely frazzled by such breaks as these. But it was only two nights and the bliss when I got back ....

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Festival Walkies!

Sunday 7.50 p.m.
                           We went out walking through the beautiful, wonderful city a couple of times over the last two days. It didn't rain. Took some photies today, this the first day of no getting pissed. If I ever get round to painting this room, I hope it ends up looking a lot like the bottom photie.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

No mas de plonko collapso!

Saturday 18/8/2012
                              I've almost always had less money than anyone I kind of hang around with. The progeny of the evil bourgeois work hard, and march in line with perfect synchronicity. Shame about their heads being stuck up their bums, but even they can see what it looks like out of my window.
                               What I always wanted was enough money to get drunk or stoned when I wanted to. I never really was interested in a watch which told you what time it was on the moon.
                                I have a stickiness with things too.But not a motor car. Not a clicky beepy thing. More like a Guinness thing. Oh, no more, no more, no more.
                                 The poor basturns are there to excite your compassion. So I'm just sitting here being poor, and thanking God that Match of the Day is back, and this massive present is given to me, out of the blue. Like, God, said that I should stop being a blissheid pissheid, And change tack. Such a wonderful present. My liver is praising the Lord.
                                  I spoke to a friend this evening about the object to be negated, the false sense of self. I was amazed that this stuff wasn't exercising their minds. I would like to pursue my salvation with diligence!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Wet, wet, wet!

Friday 5.32 p.m.
                         The rugby parks over by the allotments are unplayable - sodden. They've never had a chance to dry out all summer. Last week I was surprised one day when it was wet because it's been so wet. You'd think it would stop, but why should it?
                          It's been an odd week what with the fast and all. But the meditations have jumped up a notch and seem to have stayed there. This is very encouraging, but I kind of feel as if I'm between places. I wanted to be down at the Samye today, but there has just been too much going on.
                           I've got about 15,000 words of a new book done, but today I think I finally worked out the plot!! Now I've just got to write it. I'll be down at the Samye at the end of August and that's good timing. I'll write when the allotment doesn't need my attention.
                          The second bottom photie is of mint. Mint loves this weather. Tons more than last year, or any other year.

Monday, 13 August 2012

And on the third day ...

Monday 3.16 p.m.
                            I took a walk up to the allotment today and dumped the two duff guitars. The one on the right was bought by the Domestic Bliss for £3 out of a charity shop a month or so ago. The heads are broke. You can't tune it. The one on the left was bought for £15 from a pawn shop just over twenty years ago. Hope someone good with tools picks them up before the dustmen arrive.
                             The bottom three photies show the effects of the bizarre weather we've had this summer. The top one is of curly kale. It's bolted. :Last year I was eating kale from the buddisty woman't allotment up till January, I think. The next one if of broccoli, expect there's no centres there. So no broccoli. The bottom one if of brussel sprouts, but there are just leaves and no brussel sprouts. The potato yield is way down as well.
                               I'm lucky to be going into my old age just now. I guess in twenty years the world will be totally funged. We are dependent on plants growing how we expect them to grow. We're not going to get away with the consequences of what we have done.
                                I'm on the third day of my fast and everything is going well. The main thing I've noticed is that I have hardly any energy. I would not want to go running or cycling right now.
                                Any time you do anything to purify your system, the effects of the meditations are most wonderful in terms of the bliss and whatnot. However, I have noticed that I can't do vase breathing hardly at all. Normally, I can hold my breath for a minute, but today I was holding it for five or six seconds. If you go much over that, you're going to be in trouble. There's a kundalini arousal thing going on here, I suspect, which makes you feel that you might .... the effects of the out breath make you judder and twitch a little, and there are all kinds of other bits and pieces in there. I know there are the forces not to be unleashed, so I've hardly been vase breathing at all.
                                  Also, my leprosy has vanished. The boy in the Horizon programme says your body starts healing itself when you fast. So by tomorrow morning I expect my cholesterol and glucose levels and yon marker for cancer will be down. And my brain will have grown a smidgen.
                                   I'm very pleased that I have managed to do this fast, at least so far.  A confidence booster.
5.05 p.m.
                                    Just had more bliss during the meditation I've just had than ever before. Just a wee bit of purification as well. Of course, I'd rather have the emptiness, but that might come. Sometime.

Sunday, 12 August 2012


          There was a Horizon programme on last week about fasting. It said fasting would help your cholesterol, being a fat basturn, blood glucose levels, several other things, and also it would help your brain and might help you avoid all kinds of aging problems associated with your brain, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.
           I started a fast yesterday. Didn't eat anything at all. I haven't eaten anything today either and it's about half five.
           I find fasting rather difficult, but if it has these kinds of benefits, I'll give it a go. Of course, I am a fat basturn and at least I should be able to start reducing my weight from here on in, even if nothing else comes of it. Yesterday morning I was twelve stone four pounds. Dearie, dearie me!

Thursday, 9 August 2012


          I went visiting on my bike today. It might have taken me half an hour, but I got lost and it took me an hour and a half nearly. I saw some parts of the city I hadn't seen before. It took me about twenty minutes to cycle back. The town in the sunlight was full of gorgeous looking young women.
          I meditated for three hours plus this morning before getting on the bike. The meditations were wonderful. I think I might start taking it a bit more seriously.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Digging time again!

Tuesday 10.46 a.m.
                              Photies! The first one was taken when I got a chance to sit down on Saturday. We were doing a festival tour. Knackering! But the sun shone which is unusual this summer.
                              I bought the beer on Sunday night when we went out for a very nice time to see Brave. The beer cost about £4.50 which is some kind of world record.
                               The buglia are out. I took the bottom three photies up the allotment yesterday. The first one shows how the slugs and snails completely avoided all the poisons and traps and ate all the cabbage seedlings. The second bottom picture is of what was left when I took out the onions. The bottom one is of the seme space after I'd dug it. That's three quarters of an hour of constant digging and resulted in my teeshirt being wringing wet and the sweat running down the front of my glasses.
                                 As usual with the weather and all, the allotment has been disappointing this summer. It was just too wet most of the time to imagine spending all day there.
                                  But it's not raining today! I will cycle this afternoon to Liberton Hospital.
                                   There was a great Horizon programme on last night about fasting. Fasting might encourage new brain connections apart from anything else, and it does seem to have many other benefits. Being a fat basturn still, I could use some fasting!!!

Friday, 3 August 2012

Time Trial Cramond

          I cycled to Cramond this evening and bought a pint of Old Brewery Bitter. 4% alcohol. This only costs £2.04, which is less than half of what the last pint I bought cost. I really enjoyed the cycling and think I might do more of that. Low impact. But it takes a lot of time. You need to spend hours on the bike! Hmmm?
           You could buy a pint of Dark Mild (2.8%) for £1.54. This is the perfect pub! You could neck eight pints of that and still cycle home!