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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Digging time again!

Tuesday 10.46 a.m.
                              Photies! The first one was taken when I got a chance to sit down on Saturday. We were doing a festival tour. Knackering! But the sun shone which is unusual this summer.
                              I bought the beer on Sunday night when we went out for a very nice time to see Brave. The beer cost about £4.50 which is some kind of world record.
                               The buglia are out. I took the bottom three photies up the allotment yesterday. The first one shows how the slugs and snails completely avoided all the poisons and traps and ate all the cabbage seedlings. The second bottom picture is of what was left when I took out the onions. The bottom one is of the seme space after I'd dug it. That's three quarters of an hour of constant digging and resulted in my teeshirt being wringing wet and the sweat running down the front of my glasses.
                                 As usual with the weather and all, the allotment has been disappointing this summer. It was just too wet most of the time to imagine spending all day there.
                                  But it's not raining today! I will cycle this afternoon to Liberton Hospital.
                                   There was a great Horizon programme on last night about fasting. Fasting might encourage new brain connections apart from anything else, and it does seem to have many other benefits. Being a fat basturn still, I could use some fasting!!!


onan the bavarian said...

That could explain why Albert's brain is so advanced.

onan the bavarian said...

In the business lounge the Erdinger costs £0 a liter. You only have to pay an extra few thousand to get the free beer.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Free drinks? Never heard of that before. According to the programme, you will probably live forever since I assume that you don't actually eat at all. Ever. Hotboy

NaNoSkye said...

Interesting pics. The slugs and snails are having a bumper year. I'm going to have to buy herbs for the winter. Need to work out benches for inside the conservatory.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I'm going to have to dig and dig and dig again since the weeds are everywhere! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

It's a shame that you can't train the slugs to eat the weeds. You could try a goat, though.