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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Brian Wilson and the Holy Willies!

Wednesday 5.51 p.m.
                                 Low battery, it said. So I got a new packet of batteries. I took the old batteries out and placed them down. Then I took the new batteries out of the packet and threw them into the bin. Then I replaced the batteries. So you're lucky you've got any photies at all.
                                 On Monday around eleven in the morning,  I went down to Portobello to do some missionary work. Brian Wilson tried to get me to join up to the religion he's just invented. If I remember right, I had something to do with toilets and nostril hair, but I'd only been in the door five minutes before he's started pouring the collapso. Around about four bottles later, he let it slip that the Holy Willies were coming to the castle to pray for his soul with his wifie thing. What? Right then, just as he'd opened another bottle, I made a dash for it and escaped. It was only six o clock and I feared then that he'd perhaps continue drinking and embarrass himself when the Holy Willies arrrived.
                                  They'd only started in with the praying after the tea and biscuits when Brian leapt out the cupboard stark naked and began shouting at the top of his voice that he was the night's divine revelation. When the police arrived, they managed to cojole  him down from the top of the flagpole by threatening to wash the sock he had which was once worn by a guy who would have met Brian Wilson's  cousin one time except that he missed his bus. All's well that ends well.
                                    Nothing much doing here apart from the tsunamis of bliss.


rob said...

I believe old people have trouble remembering whether to throw out the new ones or the old ones. Dearie me! Before you forget whether the bourgeoisie are the goodies or baddies, better write it on your wall. Is it 4 legs good or vice versa?

PS the real victim is poor Brian, having to drink all that wine without help, now that you've given up.

rob said...

The pub carpet in picture 4. If that was after throwing up, it adds value on the art market.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I have 100% recall now that I've given up the drink for good! Hotboy p.s. The real victim is Brian Wilson's long suffering wifie thing! God alone knows what that woman has to suffer!

rob said...

Good point, I hope at least she's on the bliss pills.

Anonymous said...

I say!

How wonderful that, by buying and then throwing away your new batteries, your old ones seemed to take on a new lease of life.

That's a clever analogy on your part, I expect.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I was thinking about Brian Wilson that made me make a mistake!! Totally nerve wracked by that boy, so I am!

Anonymous said...

I say!

The analogy obviously is that the bowler complains to the umpire that the ball is deformed, and the umpire agrees, and gets out a new ball, but somehow gives the old ball back to the bowler, who takes a wicket with the very next ball with the old ball.

It couldn't be clearer than that!


rob said...

All. I notice the post doesn't actually use the word camera, so reading between the lines it's clear which batteries you had worn out, and why you were distracted.