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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

A Typical Day!

Tuesday 11.09 a.m.
                             Today is not so typical because I started meditating about half eight and recently I haven't been starting till half nine. I usually meditate for about two and a half or three hours in the morning. Then lunch. I haven't been having a wee lie down recently, but I sometimes do that. Then I meditate again. Then it's time to go outside. Sometimes I feel a bit hyped up with nowhere to go. I go to the library these days and log on. Then I might have a cup of coffee, walk in the botties, go to the allotment or whatever. Then I come  back and start meditating again. Prostrate. Meditate. Prostrate. Have a bath and something to eat. Then I meditate for a couple of hours in the evening and recline on my bed watching the telly. That's about it.
                            In the morning, I try to have done dog poses, a backbend, a headstand. Sometimes I shadow box instead of prostrating. 
                            The meditations over the last couple of days have developed again. It seems to involve levels of concentration along with the white out bliss and all. It's as if the higher levels of concentration are out there and you somehow penetrate them, but they seem to be penetrating you. They're waiting to encompass you when you do the right things with the juju and all.
                             I'm hardly drinking, sometimes smoking. If I could just show you the bliss, you'd see what a fortunate creature I am, I am. What a fortunate creature I am!


Anonymous said...

I say!

Some people are SO busy! At your age, don't you think you should take it a bit easier, and stick to the jigsaws?


rob said...

So you're going to the library these days! Revisiting the scene of the crime?

Today in Scotland, two people will die by suicide. You're doing your bit to balance up.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Them folk killing themselves ... well, it's wasn't my fault! Hotboy
Mingin'! Is a jigsaw a person where you are? Hotboy