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Friday, 30 November 2012

In the war against the machines. Part 8

Friday 9.00 p.m.
                        I think I've worked out the Picassa thing. It's got all the photies I've ever put on the blog and so it won't give you the chance to delete them. So that's it unless anyone knows any better. I guess I could get round this by starting a new blog with new everything, but I can't be bothered with that just now. So no photies, which is a drag because I'm going to buy the proper batteries and learn how to use the bloody thing.
                        Brian Wilson is worried that ten years after Independence the peasants will storm his castle and send him back to England just because he likes creekit. If I was undecided about voting YES before this, that clinched it! It would also be good if we could have a vote on bringing back hanging and then hang all the vote who voted for hanging to be brought back, and that would probably get most of the creekit lovers anyway! And also most criminals who are very right wing. I'll have to write about politics if I can't put in photies!!!


Anonymous said...

I say!

Doesn't Brian Wilson realise that when Eck is King of Scotland, he will reopen the mines, and everyone can send their children to work underground, if they can't get jobs as golf caddies?


rob said...

I'm sure I've deleted blogger/picasa pics before. It just men's they would disappear from your old posts and be lost to posterity.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I might have another go then, but I've become reconciled to not posting photies anymore, despite buying the rechargeable battery stuff which cost me £50. This was for a £20 camera which has ended up costing about £120 or so! And now I can't post photies!!! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Keith Richards is going to be King of Scotland, not wee Eck! Hotboy

rob said...

Watched Crossfire Hurricane. Fantastic.