Sunday 4:30 p.m.
One photie is of the view back to town from Musselburgh beach. The other is an example of what you can do when you've nothing else to do on a Sunday late afternoon. That's what I'm going to do a wee bit later. Go to the allotment and set things on fire!
Here's a bit of Tsongkhapa:
The practice here begins by examining the sense of "I" that we all have. Examine this "I" to see if it is one with or separate from the psychological aggregates. Eventually you will develop a firm understanding that this "I" had no self-existent nature whatsoever. This is the training on the emptiness side.
However, the conventional existence of the self arises as an object of the mind. That is to say, we have the appearance of living beings as irrefutable conventional phenomena. There are collectors of karma and experiencers of the of the results of karma. Even though nothing has a self nature, all phenomena conventionally function with validity according to the laws of interdependent arising. Cultivate a definite realisation of how in this way all things are ultimately empty of self-existence but nonetheless conventionally function with valid presence.
A lot of folk say that they don't believe in anything of a religious nature, and I think they might be right since I believe in not believing in things. They do not believe that they are going around with their heads jammed up their backsides either, but they believe in an existent self, this false sense of self, and that's more or less the same thing as going around with your head jammed up your backside.
I know I am a flatheid because I have not been able to eradicate this mental fault. I haven't gotten very far with the training on the emptiness side, the first part of the Tsongkhapa quote. I can usually do the bliss, but the bliss and all that comes with using certain methods. It's the wisdom that you need at the end of the day.
Nothing exists in the manner of its appearance since all that appears is conditioned by your ignorance. Dearie me! How did we get here?
To the hut! To the hut!
I believe the Vikings were good at setting fire to things.
Albert? How dare you slander my ancestors! We all know what your German ancestors were good at, don't we? Who else could make Butlins look five star?
The volcano photie - surely the smoke is photoshopped?
I say!
It looks as if you're signaling a new Pope.
Albert? Photoshop? I'm skint!
Mingin'! Signaling? It's ten percent off the top and a nice hut with a heater and a cooker! Just cough up! Hotboy
Mingin'! My popish signal went out some time ago. Why doesn't he tell us about the bliss? Hotboy
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