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Tuesday, 14 September 2010

New day!

11:40 p.m.
                We got told today that we were all going to get funged by the deficit reduction robots. A wage reduction of about ... some money. Some young people who have mortgages and children will loss four grand off  the top. They will cry.
                After this,  I was told it had been noted that I sat around, sitting quietly, doing nothing whilst the deaf , dumb and blind kid did all the work, and that I would be crucified if I didn't shape up.
                And there was moi thinking I was an adornment, a jewel, the only wonderment in the whole horizon, but it seems that now they will come after moi and crucify moi in these tough times because we have to help the merchant bankers, and the deaf, dumb and blind kid who does all the work.
                The autistic jobbie share has been an angel, and I will not think badly of her because I'm scared if  I do that then she will die a horrible death. People who fall out with me tend to die. I wish that wouldn't happen.
                I always thus try to think well of folk, But it seems that I have to go and wait my life out in Brian Wilson's hut in his back garden. I think he has prepared this for moi!
               I think he might not pay for the whores. So if you want someone gone, you should send me a photie. And some money. I can definitely oft them! What use are they anyway? Almost completely useless!


Anonymous said...

I say!

Perhaps you could re-learn how the label machine works. CPD is the acronym you need to drop into conversations at work.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I'm not mentioning anything about sexually transmitted diseases to anyone at the jobbie! Anyway, I've done nothing for nearly six years now and maybe someone was bound to notice eventually. If I sit there with my eyeballs rolled up in future, maybe I could get a medical retirement. Hotboy

rob said...

I say! It's admirable of you to reduce your jobbie pay to more closely reflect the level of diligence. But pay cuts won't help property values at all. When the market bottoms, that's when to make your offer for Wilson's hut.

If people die after falling out with you it must be carnage over there. Sell the hut and invest in funeral futures. Just remember who gave you the tip.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I spent a while last night (my day off!) writing a rebuttal which wiped the floor with the poisonous dwarf. She's probably dying right now! Hotboy