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Sunday, 19 September 2010

The Object to be Negated!

Monday 12:25 a.m.
                             The first thing you've got to do is find the object to be negated. This is the "I" thing. So that should be easy. You should be able to isolate that. And then dissolve it. And then reside in the emptiness of whatever, and not lurch into nothingness and nihilism.
                              So the object to be negated.
                              The "I" of "I will walk down the road" is not what we are talking about here. That's maybe a language designation, or whatever. You can talk about your "ego", but this pre-dates Freud. They say that when you get angry, you can see it belching out there, or when you get scared. Is it a feeling of separateness? Whatever it is, it has to be negated.
                              I know what it's like to get angry, and sometimes I know what it's like to be in the baboon colony, and to have  to display myself in my wonderfulness to get some status acceptance from these lesser beings.
                              You're asleep and not dreaming. So that's cool for everyone, is it? There's no self there at all. Nothing spikey, no pressure on the otherwise, fung all. Apart from that, there is the mind and it is like space so that mental objects arise and abide and decline.
                               I couldn't find it, this false sense of self. I'm not trying to be funny here. I know that nobody meditates. But I was trying. So I was upset because I always get stuck at the first bit, like, is it in the body? Well, obviously, it's there.
                              Then the senses, perceptions, mental formations (volitional impulses, ideations, arisings, etc.) and bugger all could I find of the falsse sense of self there anywhere.
                              This is a pain in the arse. I don't even know where the object to be located is existing. Where is the object to be negated? Where indeed?


rob said...

Maybe you simply don't have a false sense of self. Or the inability to see your false sense of self is one big false sense of self. It all balances up.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I've got the biggest false sense of self going! I know if it wasn't there, there would be no sense of alienation. Maybe drinking vast quantities of home brew is the way forward here. At least, your false sense of self knows how to get pissed! Hotboy

Doc Bob said...

To be serious for a moment. Maybe when you were child-rearing you didn't have much false sense of self? If so, what could you do now that mimics parenting? Perhaps looking after a pet?

rob said...

I know you already look after potatoes, but get a dog and take it to the allotment with you. Train it to sit and do bliss with you. It worked for me.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'm afraid this false sense of self is so deeply ingrained that getting a doggy to bark at it isn't going to help!!

Elvis said...

At least you have the bliss to balance out your woes, most other people seem to have a shrink where they just tell people their problems for $100 then leave. Keep to the bliss its cheaper and more productive than anything else I can think of

Hotboy said...

Elvin! $100! If I only had a grand, I could be a millionaire! Doctor Bob has learned the prostate massage dance from Albert. Watching that with the feather up the bum is bound to cheer anybody up! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Elvin! $100! If I only had a grand, I could be a millionaire! Doctor Bob has learned the prostate massage dance from Albert. Watching that with the feather up the bum is bound to cheer anybody up! Hotboy

rob said...

Elvis. Yes, anything else except bliss pillage.

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rob said...

Hotters. Good that you deleted the spam comment about penis enlargement. Anyway, why would they bother to target a post called The Thing To Be Negated?

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'd have deleted those other two if I'd known they'd been there. How did you know? Can you get in charge of folks webcams to watch the dirty pictures? I'm sure you're one of those basturns who can do everything on the computery thing, but pretend they're just civil servants when asked at parties! Anyway, penises are for young people. Hotboy

albert said...

Hotters. How I knew: when one leaves a comment, there's a box one can tick, to receive all subsequent comments via email.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I didn't know you could do that with other peoples' blogs! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Albert? If you click on those spams they disappear, but the header stays. Anyway ... who cares? Can't remember how I did it before. Hotboy

rob said...

Who cares indeed! Spam's the least of one's worries.