Saturday 11:51 a.m.
An encouraging thing about buddhism seems to be it's reasonableness. It's rational. All you've got at first is the four noble truths, the eightfold path, the skandas and the twelve points of dependant origination. You can find out what they are and think them over, and argue with yourself about them. If you start to meditate with this stuff on board, you don't really need much else. When you start hitting the bliss, you might become a bit puzzled as to what it is, why is it, etc., but it might be that some folk won't get the bliss anyway, and you don't really need it, I don't suppose, since non-self and emptiness is really what you're looking for.
The Great Vajrayana, the Juju of Jujus, does not seem so susceptible to reason. It is difficult to find a rational explanation and I think this might be because we don't have enough knowledge of psychology, physiology, cosmology and whatnot. With the great vajrayana, you will have to accept experience and get on with it. Experiental mysticism is the name of the game here!
Since I sent the email to Teresa last week, there has been a great deal of movement. I am back to doing quite a bit of vase breathing though I have given up concentrating on anything while I'm doing it now. I hardly think of channels and symbols at all. I am doing a lot of generation stage stuff and not doing any symbols and channels completion stage stuff at all.
There are parts of the generation stage where you dissolve everything into nothing. This is like meditation without object. I've been doing some vase breathing in there.
You are supposed to do 100,000 mandala offerings. This is, I think, generation stage stuff. Because I used to whizz passed that to get into the symbol stuff .... anyway, now I'm doing repetitions sometimes where you are generating the deity, offering the mandala and everything else, and then having the deity overhead drop blessings into you. Dissolving everything, starting again. This increases the amount of mandala offerings you make and takes the bliss ... what can I say about the bliss, Jack? You can tell the unfortunate creatures about how the bliss is yet again even blissier, Hotboy.
This is ecstasy in the generation stage. This is supposed to be a mere bagatelle compared to the ecstasy of the completion stage. God alone knows what that must be like.
For those of you who were fortunate enough to hear about the Four Noble Truths and such like, but not fortunate enough to meditate, well, good luck to you. You are the author of your own misfortune.
I am the patron saint of mediocrity. I absolve you, I absolve you, I absolve you.
What a great line that is!!!
I don't recall if anyone's ever told me about the four noble truths, but any thoughts that keep one out of trouble are a big help, I find.
Albert? How could you be in trouble? You'll be able to get down to the docks for a few years yet! Hotboy p.s. How come you never heard of the Four Noble Truths? Where have you been for the last five years of blogginess? In the chemical cosh hinterland of forgetfulness? Once you get the Altzeimers, you won't remember what trouble you're in anyway. Something to look forward to!
Hotters, now you mention it i dimly recall a video interview where the four normal truths may have been briefly touched upon. The conversational cosh.
Albert? I know you're pulling my leg! The cat next door knows what the Four Noble Truths are. The twelve links of dependant origination might have escaped your notice, but the 4 Noble Truths? You've been reading too many computer manuals. They've rotted your brain at last! Hotboy
If the cat next door knows the four things and the umpteen other things, I suppose that's why they call them catechisms.
Albert? I'm glad you don't get any of the bliss! You don't deserve it with jokes like that! Hotboy
I'm better at toilet humour, which is wasted on blissheids as they're all in denial of their own bottoms.
Albert? That line must go down like a bomb down by the docks! Hello, sailor! Are you in denial of your own bottom? Hotboy
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