Thursday 9:45 a.m.
Last night I was doing some yoga nidra before going to sleep. At some point I realised I couldn't tell where my arms and legs were. Usually, you have some impression. I had no idea whether my hands were resting on my thighs, palms down, or not. I couldn't really feel anything from my chest down. So I moved my arms a little and my hands weren't where I'd expected, but the hands were face up and a few inches from my body, just where I'd put them at the start of the yoga nidra of course.
I've had experiences like that before, but not so pronounced. I assume this is a stage of going to sleep. Anyway, I wondered what it would be like if you'd lost the upper half of your body as well. So you couldn't feel anything to do with your body at all. Consciousness in space?
Since this bloggie is mainly supposed to be about the wonderful writings, I'm going to hassle the consiglieri to get onto Wells Fargo about "building the author". That's what publishers are supposed to do. Build the author. We could build castles in the air on the basis that the Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf starts to sell shed loads.
Also, Albert thinks we should go with a tweaked version of Alma Mater. I think he could tweak it himself. After all those years wading through computer manuals, I'm sure he's just the man for the job!
The meditations are starting to go to new places again. What I've got to do today is make sure that I don't get totally exhausted too early on. Like, in the morning. But I think I should go up to the allotment now. It is a sunny day. If you wait to get exhausted from the diggings till evening, all kinds of little monsters come out then and bite you. That didn't used to happen around these parts.
Re planning the say around carols ways of getting exhausted. Good for you, but are you sure you weren't adopted, from the Protestant middle class?
Carols started out as various, until the iPod smart speller stepped in to help.
I would have thought that you and Brian would be quite used to not knowing where your arms and legs are.
Albert? Have you had a stroke? My brain has been wired with alcohol to prevent such things. Hotboy
Planning the say should have read planning the day. Edging iPod spell correction.
PS Edging iPod should have been Effing iPod.
Hope that helps.
Albert? The medium is the message. I can't remember what the hell that's supposed to mean. Hotboy
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