Friday 8:17 a.m.
It was a lovely day yesterday. I went to the allotment for more tatties and a wee meditate in the later afternoon, and took these photies. Today it is forecast to pour. But the mad cyclista will have to whizz about regardless. Allah Akbar!
I do believe there may be an edelweiss I there somewhere.
I hope you have waterproof brake pads.
Pretty flowers. Mine are pretty much all blown away. But I've got a few artichokes.
No sunshine though.
chico caliente
lovin the look of the blog, seems the photies are clearer ?
due to a mindblowingly kafklaesque situation with phone company haven´t got the fishing net at home since our return from unbelievably bonnie escocia. sorry we didn´t synchrinize in the old hometoon.lookin forward to catcching up on the blissblog but can only do it in snatches at work.keep doing the prostrations!
Albert? Would I know?
Marie! Could you grow thistles? Maybe they'd blow away too! Lichen? At least, your soil haven't blown away for ages.
Michelle! Nice to hear from you. Was talking about you to Kevin Williamson last Saturday. Now I know all your secrets! Hotboy
chico caliente
have i got secrets? do tell...hope mr. williamson was well, sounds like a great night!
p.s. still no net at hoime it´s a bummer to be back in the 19th century!
Spango Yogini! Just winding you up about the secrets! The winter is coming here. Oh, no! Hotboy
hello! the flowers are lovely. i love garden spaces filled with veggies and flowers.
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