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Monday, 10 January 2011

2011's prospects

Monday 11:40 a.m.
                              Today is really the start of the new year, the time when you get back to work and the holidays are safely behind you. I really don't like this time of the year, especially now that my half of the public holidays have been used up. Any Monday holidays in future will come off my annual leave.
                               Other than that, the prospects for this year are looking pretty good. For the first year in a long time it looks as if I might be getting published. Dale Robertson of Wells Fargo seems to want to do any unpublished books as ebooks with a hard copy if you want one. This is the modern world and certainly the only way I can see of getting published again. However, I am not anticipating getting published really or expecting anything from it. I haven't seen a contract yet and I haven't seen any money, so the deal is still putative. The problem with ebooks is that nobody has set any rules yet. Obviously, if I'm expected to give away the rights to my books for a lengthy period of time, the deal won't go ahead. I've no problems with setting up a web page of my own with paypal, etc. The kiddo and her boyfriend are having to do this anyway for their art work, so the knowledge will be there. The last thing you should expect if you don't write in a genre is to make any money. I have hoped to make money all my adult life from novels and so far have made about two and a half grand. But I expect the books will be available somehow quite soon.
                                  It's been five days since I began to wrestle with the Nicotine Dragon and the withdrawals are almost all gone now. Last night was the first sober and straight going to bed since Wednesday. I'm very happy with this. The quality of the pizza has been so poor recently that I should be able to forgo that as well.
                                   Every time I cut back on the pollutions the meditations become better and better. You're not really playing the game the way it should be played if you're smoking anything or drinking anything. So here goes again!! At least, January is always quiet since nobody has any money or much inclination to socialise. At least, I hope that.
                                    I don't know if I'll start writing again this year. I might. I certainly be reading a lot more!
                                    This year, of course, I'll be sixty years old. I'm looking forward to getting a free bus pass. I could retire when I'm sixty, but I haven't got any money. I'd have to live on under five grand a year and I don't think that's possible! Anyway, I'll be out of this jobbie soon enough. Can't wait really!


Anonymous said...

I say!

Here's a time-saving idea. If you don't have time to meditate, get your computer to do it for you, by playing this video.


rob said...

Here's a money making idea. Any bookie familiar with this blog would give you great odds on your new year resos.

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I'm not clicking on any of these videos. I got plenty of time to meditate. It's the other crap like watching the Beach Boys that I haven't got time for! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Albert? You could give me some odds then. So far to do this juju I've given up meat and fish, and milk and cheese, and writing, and having any money. These are things I gave up even although I liked them! Tobacco is easy now. Beer is also easy. If I could give up boredom, everything would be easy! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I take it all back! I've heard that one before. Not boring enough! Hotboy