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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

During the Nicotine Dragon Death Throes!

Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
                                 The photies were taken this morning on the way to the jobbie; the first two on Princes Street as usual; and the last one as the No 12 turned at the PC World down in Costorphine.
                                  This is the first day with no nicotine after three weeks of nicotine every day, which followed a month with none. C'est la vie. There won't be much of a problem giving up again. There would be if I had some bob hope, but I haven't, so there won't be. Actually, I've been looking forward to running out. Purification and accumulation!! Here we come!!


Anonymous said...

oh my - deluded or wot ....

Hotboy said...

Anony! There will be no problems giving up nicotine. I do it all the time!! So long as the basturns don't speak to me ....I mean, any basturns!! But the underlying blissiness does get immediately stronger though my concentration will be a bit off for a few days!! I'm broke so I'm safe! Anyway, it's not the same as having a fag habit. Nothing like it!! Hotboy

rob said...

It's inhuman so it is, to expect you to go to work as well as live in those conditions. Meanwhile, here we're living in a tropical paradise, plus we're off work for a month! It all balances up.

Hotboy said...

Anony? Are you a wummin? Can you wrestle about on the floor? I think I could wrestle you anyway. I think you might be just a big gurl! So? Hotboy p.s. This is after a whole day without any nicotine, by the way, or fags or anything like that. Or wrestling. I'm old, but if you wish to maintain your virtue ... well, you won't be able to!