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Sunday, 23 January 2011

Grace before Meals!

Sunday 11:45 p.m.
                            I did quite a bit of praying when I was a kiddo. I can remember saying grace before meals, but I can't remember the prayer. I found this on google, but I don't think this is what I was told to say.
                             Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive 
        from your bounty, through Christ our Lord.  Amen.                             I was watching this programme this evening about people in Alaska who were hunting whales. They thought the whales picked them. You had to do certain things to make the whales pick you, like clean out your permafrost fridge and such like.
                             Once I saw this joe chasing after a bongo in the bongo bongo, as an illustration of how we are better than antelopes at managing heat, what with our skin and sweat glands and all. So this joe starts chasing the bongo and it goes on and on and on until the bongo is exhausted and can't run anymore. It's on it's knees and has been run down. So the joe sits there for a bit and says some prayers to the spirit of the animal and then kills it.
                               I can't remember why I am a vegetarian, or why I don't drink milk or eat cheese anymore. Some folk can't be vegetarians or if they tried to eat like this, they would die.
                               A lot of my teeth are caps or crowns now, but I brush them a lot once I have eaten anything. I didn't used to care. I think I should pay some attention to the food I'm sticking in my mouth. I've got a loaf to do me till Wednesday, when I get paid. How do you pray to the loaf? I've lost it. I used to know how to do that kind of thing when I was a young person and a catholic.


Anonymous said...

I say!

I caught Wilson praying that I would give him a loan.

It didn't work.


rob said...

Doc Bob says if you said the grace that often, but you can't remember it, the brain cell situation may be worse than we thought.

I believe the bongo is a relative of the tortoise.

rob said...

Young people are fortunate growing up with fluoride in the water, so they can drink cola and eat chocolate with no ill effects. It all balances up. I have to floss, then brush, plus use little interdental brushes of different sizes. At this rate, there'll be no time left for anything else except eating and brushing.

Hotboy said...

Albert? The old toothless one just had them all yanked out! That's the way to do it!! Hotboy

rob said...

I wish I hadn't read that just before lights out here.

Anonymous said...

I say!

This may explain quite a lot.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Toothless folk being gaga is hardly a surprise. Most of them are baldy as well, even the old dolls. It's been said that folk with no hobbies who retire early go down fastest!! Luckily, you've got lots to do out there in Bongo Bongo! Hotboy