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Tuesday, 11 January 2011


                I'm  a big fan of Horizon programmes on BBC2. The one last night had two good bits in it just for me!
                In buddhism, I think, everything is supposed to be subject to change, so once I was quite interested in absolutes. Absolutes don't change. Because of this I was interested for a bit in Absolute Zero. I think that's awful cold. When there's no energy in stuff, I reckoned it couldn't be changing and so I was interested in whether it was possible to get down to absolute zero; if anyone had managed this or if the figure they had for it was just an extension of a graph.
                 According to the programme, no one has ever reached Absolute Zero. Hurrah!
                 However, the experimenter was getting pretty close on the telly last night. He was cooling liquified helium. When stuff gets so cold, it starts to behave in a quantum phyics way. It seems the helium stops acting like particles. It was contained in something, but when it got really cold, the helium just started dripping out of the container anyway, like just going through the substance at the bottom of the container, which you wouldn't think would be possible.
                  I loved the presenter's face at this point. He said that's what matter is really like .... when you take the energy away.
                   You're everywhere and nowhere, baby!
                  I was interested in the weirdness of quantum stuff because some of the miracles you read about seem to correspond in some kind of weird way. The liquid helium at this very low temprature is like walking through walls as if they weren't solid.
                  I'm  a big fan of the BBC though I didn't pay a license fee until they paid me for a radio play ... out of the license fee, of course!



Marie Rex said...

That sounds interesting. I don't get a TV signal at all.

But that kind of science fascinates me.

I like the fact things always change.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I would miss Horizon, but although I'm interested in all that stuff, I can't say I understand it at all! Hotboy

rob said...

I'd like to see that Horizon prog when they show it here, even if they do redub it with a New Caledonian VoiceOver.

Your principled stance on the TV licence is quite balanced. Have you stopped paying, now that they're not paying you?

Marie Rex said...

I haven't paid the license fee in several years. They keep threatening to send someone to my door. Which would be even funnier now that they did the switch to digital out here. Not only do I not have an antenna but my TV is too old to get a digital signal.

Hotboy said...

Marie! The authorities never believe you don't have a teevee. I know one other person who doesn't have one and he gets hassled as well. Hotboy
Albert? The Domestic Bliss is thoroughly law abiding and pays for everything. I've no idea what anything like that even costs! Hotboy

rob said...

If it please the court, it is actually the defendant's carer who pays the licence fee.