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Wednesday, 19 January 2011

A load of old photons!

Wednesday 5:50 p.m.
                                 I think I read that only buddhas could really understand karma. We can all have a go at intentional action, cause and effect, etc., but I think the meaning here is of something a bit more profound.
                                 Parallel universes. When the photon is heading for the two slits in the two slit photon demonstration of the contradiction at the heart of quantum mechanics, this joe said that maybe the photon wasn't being in two places at once as it seemed to go through both slits simultaneously. What was happening was that the photon was going into two different universes. The multiple/parallel universes and karma is bound to do anybody's  head right in.
                                 Of course, the existence of  parallel or multiple universes (I suspect these are not the same thing!) is no more amazing really than the existence of the universe that we know about. This is to ape Voltaire who said that being born twice was no more amazing than being born once.

                                 Some things seem to occur at random. Bad and good things happen to folk and they don't seem to be responsible for them either way. You can be struck by lightning. A cow fell out of a hercules aeroplane and sank a boat in the Mediterranean.
                                  I quite like the idea in Islam that you submit to the will of Allah.
                                  I sometimes like to think that this universe is unfolding just exactly the way it's supposed to be unfold and that everything is going to be alright no matter what it looks like.
                                  This is okay for me, of course, because I am a very fortunate creature indeed!

                                   Chou Enlai was asked about the repercussions from the French Revolution and he said it was too soon to tell.
                                   It is difficult to tell the difference between good and bad fortune. The farmer had a horse and it ran away. Boo! It came back with another horse. Hurrah! With two horses, the farmer's son could use one for riding. Hurrah! He fell off it and broke his leg. Boo! The soldiers came and took away all the able bodied young men and forced them into the army, but the farmer's son was lame and he didn't go. Hurrah!
                                  On Monday morning I was feeling awful and decided to stay at home instead of going to the jobbie. The joe in a parallel universe who decided to go to work anyway was knocked down by a bus and killed. Serves him right if you ask me!
                                   I haven't had anything to smoke or drink for two days and have no inclination towards these things. This is very good indeed. The meditations today were off the scale again.


Anonymous said...

I say!

What happens if there are three slits, and two photons go through two of them at the same time, and one goes through another at another time? Or even if three photons go through one slit at different times. Or there again, two go through at different times in the same slit, one goes through another slit, and the third slit is not busy at all? Or even if there are four slits, etc etc.


Anonymous said...

I say!

I think the photons can be visualised as cricket balls, and the slits as the stumps. Now I understand.

But what happens if the ball misses the stumps? Not Out - eh?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! In parallel universes the scores are different, so what's the point of creekit then? No winners, no losers, just observers and different ones at that. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Some people use the word “karma” as an umbrella that covers all causes and all effects, and they do not distinguish the volitional from the random. But karma is only one of the five vinayas; there is also dharma (the laws of nature), irthu (seasonal changes and climate), biija (genetic inheritance) and chitta (the will of the mind).

So there are things that are governed by our choices. Our karma and our chitta are our own. But sometimes it's karma, and sometimes shit just happens.

Hotboy said...

Doggy! Interesting! It is the shit that just happens that I was wondering about. Do know how you would know if that's not a karmic consequence? I assume a brick falling on your head is just back luck, but these days I'm open about that as well. Since I don't believe in things, I can't really talk about karmic retributions from lifetimes ago, etc. Of course, I have to accept that shit just happens sometimes. But that makes things not fair. Kids on the banks of the Nile with worms eating out their eyeballs. I'd like to all to be fair in some inexplicable way. It doesn't seem to be though which I don't like. Neither does anyone else of course. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Fair to whom, in the view of whom?

Here's something I wrote about it a while ago:

Hotboy said...

Doggy! It's my bed time. Once you get into self and what that is all bets are off!! Hotboy

rob said...

If everything is god's will ( and who are we to decide what is and isn't), then even fags, booze and smack are god's will so why resist them? Then you need religious scholars to list all the shoulds and the must nots. In places like Saudi, drivers race through red lights since whether they die is god's will.

Submission is probably a good idea especially for some bloggers, but I don't see a need to construct some being to submit to. Just get on with it. I would if I had time.

Hotboy said...

Albert? If I was Johnny the Moslem I might tell you that god's will was that we have a will and can make good or bad choices. I was thinking more about what looks like good or bad luck, the sometimes apparent randomness of events. The fact that you have no idea what I am talking about is probably my fault since the stuff is in note form really. Maybe more for me than you. Hotboy