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Monday, 24 January 2011

The Springtime will come!

              The photies were taken this morning at the bus stop in Princes Street. Oh, how wonderful it was that the dawn was breaking! Before you know it, we won't be getting up in the dark. It's not night time till quarter to five or so these days, so I might even get back to the flat when it's still light. Hurrah!!
               Last week my meditations took a big jump forward! This means there is now an awful, awful lot of bliss in them. Strangely, the heat quotient has hardly changed and I couldn't dry off a hanky yet. I'm very encouraged by developments though and it augurs well for the visit to the Samye Ling in a couple of weeks.
               If I'd gotten anything together with the agent I had until a year ago, I could be retiring from the jobbie when I get to be sixty in two weeks. Oh well, you can't have everything!!


Anonymous said...

hey chico caliente
thought you might like this article
there´s also a great video of an interview with joderosky which is well worth watching...psychomagic indeed.
i can actually see snow on them therr hils out my windae...wild!
p.s. big vibes to the old ma and the domestic bliss!

Hotboy said...

Spango Yogini! I'm at the jobbie at the moment, but I'll check this out later. Thanks a million! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Spango Yogini! I get his point!! It's very hard to want something when you don't know what it is in that you haven't experienced it. Also, it's off-putting when all these Tibetans claim they haven't attained it despite I'll just keep stumblebumming along and see how it goes, I think. Thanks for the link again. Hotboy

rob said...

At your age you shouldn't really be wetting your hanky in the first place.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Somebody I know uses a hanky to blow their nose. Isn't that just disgusting in this day and age? Hotboy

rob said...

No, even bogies are god's creatures. Besides, your pal is saving trees. Would you rather he just wheeched it straight out onto the ground?

Anonymous said...

chico caliente
did you get a chance to watch the joderowsky video?

Hotboy said...

Spango Yogini! I've just had a go at it just now, but it says I can't see it because I don't have a flash (?) on this computery thing (at work). I'll have a go this evening. Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Albert? I knew you'd be a hanky person!! The other one is obsessed by toilets as well! Must go together these things! Hotboy p.s. Anything is better than hankies!!!

rob said...

In fact I'm not a hanky person at all, but I can see the point of view of hanky people like Cap'n Kev. It's called empathy.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'm not going to be drawn into hankies and the mankiness thereof. How it fits in with the calvinist toilet training is beyond me! Hotboy